Iron Man Records has listed 331 items on Discogs and 169 items can be found for under £5. There are 202 CDs, 132 Vinyl and 3 DVDs. Here’s the link to the Iron Man Records store on Discogs. Have a look when you get a moment.
Originally created as a hobby project in 2000 by Kevin Lewandowski, Discogs has grown to become a definitive resource for Vinyl and CD recordings.
The Discogs Marketplace connects buyers and sellers across the globe. With more than 58 million items available and thousands of sellers, this is the premier spot from new releases to hard to find gems. Because the Marketplace is built on top of the accurate Discogs database, it is easy for sellers to list their inventory and buyers are able to specify the exact version they want.
The heart of Discogs is a user-built database of music. More than 561,000 people have contributed some piece of knowledge, to build up a catalog of more than 13,494,893 recordings and 7,326,558 artists. We’re far from done and you can contribute too! Discogs also offers the ability to catalog your music collection, wantlist, and share your ratings and reviews.
Visit the Iron Man Records store on Discogs. Every sale helps keep the work going at this end. Music will find a way. Thanks for your time and support.