English Heretic: GIMPO’S M25 25 Hour Spin 23rd – 24th March 2013

Hello Dear Friends We so hope you can forgive us for neglecting you for so long. Due to a combination of commitments and personal circumstances we haven't had any opportunity to post our usual monthly updates. Top of the shop we need to thank everyone who contacted us in the last few weeks asking about the M25 Spin and we are pleased to welcome one and all at the weekend. Gimpo's M25 25 Hour Spin Starts: 12 noon Saturday 23rd March 2013 Ends: 1pm Sunday 24th March 2013 Venue: The M25 London Orbital Motorway If anyone would like to join us then please do come along. If you are coming along…

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John Sinclair – Biography

John Sinclair author, poet and activist John Sinclair (born October 2, 1941, in Flint, Michigan) mutated from small-town rock’n’roll fanatic and teenage disc jockey to cultural revolutionary, pioneer of marijuana activism, radical leader and political prisoner by the end of the 1960s. In 1966-67 the jazz poet, downbeat correspondent, founder of the Detroit Artists Workshop and underground journalist joined the front ranks of the hippie revolution, managing the “avant-rock” MC5 and organizing countless free concerts in the parks, White Panther rallies and radical benefits. Working closely with lead singer and songwriter Rob Tyner and the members of the band, Sinclair brought the MC5 to local fame, national attention and a contract…

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