"We have been following a wild and wounded, glum and glorious, shit but shining path these past five years. The last two of which has led us up onto the commercial high ground --- we are at a point where the path is about to take a sharp turn from these sunny uplands down into a netherworld of we know not what. For the foreseeable future there will be no further record releases from The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, The Timelords, The KLF & any other past, present & future name attached to our activities. As of now all our past releases are deleted...." A Tin of Condensed Milk Burn…
all empires crumble
Open Fire
How come we know each other? So much has been forgotten All Agents everywhere And nowhere Open fire! The gift of life is right here Is it too much for you? All Agents everywhere And nowhere Open Fire! All our demands were never met And they abandoned us All Agents everywhere and nowhere open fire! If reason cannot stop them Then all the madmen will If reason cannot stop them Then all the madmen will All Agents Everywhere And Nowhere Open Fire! Words by Mark from Last Under The Sun - All Empires Crumble CD
Not In My Name
Just How Stupid Greed can make you Not in My Name Not in My Name We must take death from the village We must take death from the village Are these the last days that we’ll have to call our own Is this the last chance that we’ll have to tell them……. No Words by Mark from Last Under The Sun - All Empires Crumble CD
Bring Me Their Heads
Bring me the heads of your leaders I want them to tell me what all this killing is for Bring me the list, of all of the troops and civilians That fell in the name of their war You’re bought and you’re sold and they’re coming for more You’re too easy to flatter……. The sixties have gone, and how fast does time fly? This is no way to stop war Bring me their heads, bring me their heads, bring me their heads The Harvest this year was as bad as we feared The crops have all failed Here is the proof that your GM crops are no good Someone must pay…..…
Fuck The Government
Fuck The Government Fuck The Government Fuck The Government Fuck The Government Words by Mark from Last Under The Sun - All Empires Crumble CD
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