Free The Weed 42 by John Sinclair

Highest greetings from Amsterdam for the last time this summer. I’ll be spending a month in London to serve as a judge for the Dopefiend Cup at an undisclosed location at the end of August and play a concert in the Speigeltent at Canary Wharf in mid-September with a great British jazz ensemble called The Founder Effect. Then I’ll head back to Detroit to begin an action-packed fall schedule, and if you’re at all interested in following my progress around the United States from the Hempstock Festival in Portland, Oregon to the Maine Harvest Festival near Portland, Maine to Lowell Celebrates Kerouac in Massachusetts to New York City and back to…

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Free The Weed 41 by John Sinclair

Highest greetings from Amsterdam, still the world capital of the cannabis culture despite all the efforts of the Dutch government to drive the marijuana industry back to the Stone Age, and notwithstanding the incredible gains being made at last in sections of the United States where citizens may finally buy their weed over the counter without interference by the drug police. Before I say anything else I’d like to thank my publisher, Ben Horner, and all the marijuana people in my home town of Flint, Michigan—where I smoked my first joint over 50 years ago—for their brilliant efforts in attracting the High Times Medical Cannabis Cup to the former Vehicle City…

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Free The Weed 40 by John Sinclair

Highest greetings from the Mediterranean coast of Italy, where I’m visiting my friends Jerry Poynton and Helen Oliver Adelson, the great American painter, at their rustic place in the countryside outside of Tarquiia, Italy, just an hour north and west of Rome. I flew in from Amsterdam through an incredible storm that cleared up just before we landed at Leonardo da Vinci airport, but now I’m relaxing in the bucolic serenity of the Etruscan countryside and enjoying the radio program (#553) I made at the 420 Café before leaving Amsterdam that’s posted on my internet radio station at Radio Free Amsterdam has been my leading passion in life for the…

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Free The Weed 39 – by John Sinclair

Highest greetings from London, where it’s still a crime to smoke and possess cannabis products and the medical use of marijuana is not yet recognized by the forces of the Crown. Like the guy at Customs told me a couple of years ago when he seized my medically prescribed cannabis in its official Dutch medical container and refused my offer to present my Dutch prescription and my Michigan medical marijuana card: “This is just smuggling drugs to us.” I’m in London to mark the release of my new album MOHAWK from Ironman Records and play a couple of little gigs with my drummer and comrade Steve The Fly, who produced the…

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The Culture Industry: Enlightenment or Mass Deception?

“Pop culture in general is the main thing they use to keep young people from developing any ideas.” - John Sinclair. John Sinclair, the renegade poet, scholar and cultural revolutionary releases his new album called "Mohawk," on Iron Man Records, on Monday 24th March 2014 with distribution by Cargo. The music was written and arranged by Steve Fly who mirrored John’s poems in the music by initially combing the tempo of the original songs recorded by John ‘Dizzy’ Gillespie, Charlie ‘Bird’ Parker and Thelonious Monk. Steve The Fly is a native of Stourbridge UK, now an Amsterdam resident who plays drums, spins vinyl, writes novels and literary and cultural commentary. He…

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Free The Weed 35 – by John Sinclair

Highest greetings from Amsterdam, where people in the cannabis community are looking on in wonder as the United States takes its first tentative steps toward legalizing marijuana for use by all thinking persons over 18 years of age. Like they say in New Orleans, a lotta people don’t know that marijuana is not actually legal in the Netherlands, although over-the-counter sales of cannabis has been allowed under what they call a “grey area” in the law which amounts to a sort of super-decriminalization policy that not only eliminates arrest but lets smokers buy and ingest the sacrament in designated coffee shops without police interference. But growing, distribution, wholesale transfer and delivery…

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