Iron Man Records will be at Moseley Record Fair on Sunday 3rd December 2023

People go to record fairs for a variety of reasons. Some go to buy and sell rare or hard-to-find Vinyl, CDs, cassettes, and other music-related items. Others go to discover new music, explore different genres or eras of music, or to meet friends or network with other music enthusiasts. I like the social aspect of going to a record fair, browsing through collections, listening to music, and meeting like-minded individuals who also share an unhinged passion for music. Iron Man Records will be at Moseley Record Fair on Sunday 3rd December 2023. MOSELEY ALL SERVICES CLUB, 91 Church Road, Moseley, BIRMINGHAM, B13 9EA. 12pm–4pm. FREE ADMISSION! For more details visit:…

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Church of Burn – Put your money where your mind is – Sunday 8th Dec 2019 – Annual Ritual Mass Money Burn Event

Produced and presented by MBG and Church of the Cosmic Burn in collaboration with The Cockpit and Iron Man Records. Church of Burn at the Cockpit is the largest annual Ritual Mass Money Burn Event in the world. In human history, Ritual Sacrifice has been pivotal in the ordering of economic relations and served to create civilisation, itself. We have forgotten this. "Money gains strength through our obedience. The more we let ourselves be governed by money, the more power we grant it and the more the vulnerable suffer." The Church of Burn redefines money and recasts our relationship with it. In Ritual it becomes a powerful sacrament - perhaps the most…

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John Sinclair – Viper Madness 24th November 2013 Cannabis Cup Party Amsterdam

Ceres Seeds and The John Sinclair Foundation proudly present: Sunday 24th November 2013 Viper Madness 2013 Amsterdam Cannabis Cup Party Live onstage: John Sinclair and his Vipers with Esther Cerise Noire Baba Israel Sunday November 24th Doors 9:30pm Nieuwezijds Kolk 25 1012 PV Amsterdam 4 min from central station 4 min from Dam square buy tickets at and in the hempshopper stores in Amsterdam and at the door First 100 guests get a free beverage

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