Formal apology on behalf of the United Kingdom to the people of the European Union regarding Brexit and a gesture of hospitality

Dear People of the European Union, I am writing this letter for and on behalf of the United Kingdom to extend our heartfelt apologies for the impact of Brexit on the people of the European Union, and for the personal insult, distress and uncertainty it has caused. I didn't vote for Brexit, I voted to remain and I have had to learn to respect and accept the outcome of the referendum and it's many consequences. On the day of the results, back in 2016, I was driving a French TV News crew around London. Pierre the TV News programme producer turned to me at 4am, as the crew prepared their equipment…

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Burn their money. Tear their world apart…

"We have been following a wild and wounded, glum and glorious, shit but shining path these past five years. The last two of which has led us up onto the commercial high ground --- we are at a point where the path is about to take a sharp turn from these sunny uplands down into a netherworld of we know not what. For the foreseeable future there will be no further record releases from The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, The Timelords, The KLF & any other past, present & future name attached to our activities. As of now all our past releases are deleted...." A Tin of Condensed Milk Burn…

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