English Heretic: GIMPO’S M25 25 Hour Spin 23rd – 24th March 2013

Hello Dear Friends We so hope you can forgive us for neglecting you for so long. Due to a combination of commitments and personal circumstances we haven't had any opportunity to post our usual monthly updates. Top of the shop we need to thank everyone who contacted us in the last few weeks asking about the M25 Spin and we are pleased to welcome one and all at the weekend. Gimpo's M25 25 Hour Spin Starts: 12 noon Saturday 23rd March 2013 Ends: 1pm Sunday 24th March 2013 Venue: The M25 London Orbital Motorway If anyone would like to join us then please do come along. If you are coming along…

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Documentary: John Sinclair in New Orleans during Mardi Gras

"I always was involved into music. As a fan, composer, journalist, performer, photographer and now film maker....I was lucky to work with Blondie, David Bowie, Chris Wilson, Chris Blackwell and of course John Sinclair, (author, performer, beat-poet, DJ, founder of the White Panther Party, “Spirit” of the early MC5, ex-radical hippie saved from 10 years of prison by John Lennon....) John has been a major contributor to the Culture of New Orleans and one of its most enlighted experts....particularly found of the “Black culture” of New Orleans, so rich in extraordinary talents...John guided me through the back streets of New Orleans, so to encounter the Mardi Gras Indians...." Gilles Riberolles Click the…

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Rob Tyner, lead singer MC5 – Interviewed by John Sinclair May 1967 for THE SUN.

The following interview with Robin Tyner, lead singer of the MC-5, the major Detroit avant-rock band, was recorded by John Sinclair in the first week of May, 1967, for THE SUN. The MC-5 has been together for almost three years and has developed into one of the most exciting bands to be heard anywhere. The group comprises Tyner, lead singer, harmonica, auto-harp, etc.; Wayne Kramer, lead guitar; Fred Smith, rhythm guitar; Michael Davis, bass; and Dennis Thompson, drums. Their first 45 single, “I Can Only Give You Everything.” has recently been released on the AMG label, and an album is being planned now. Tyner himself is not only a brilliant singer…

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John Sinclair – Biography

John Sinclair author, poet and activist John Sinclair (born October 2, 1941, in Flint, Michigan) mutated from small-town rock’n’roll fanatic and teenage disc jockey to cultural revolutionary, pioneer of marijuana activism, radical leader and political prisoner by the end of the 1960s. In 1966-67 the jazz poet, downbeat correspondent, founder of the Detroit Artists Workshop and underground journalist joined the front ranks of the hippie revolution, managing the “avant-rock” MC5 and organizing countless free concerts in the parks, White Panther rallies and radical benefits. Working closely with lead singer and songwriter Rob Tyner and the members of the band, Sinclair brought the MC5 to local fame, national attention and a contract…

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John Sinclair – Beatnik Youth CD

While many know John Sinclair as the White Panther firebrand who stoked the MC5’s insurrectionary manifesto, or drug bust victim released after John Lennon’s high-profile intercession, his roots stretch back to jazz and the beats, as writer, avant-garde champion and poet. Sinclair’s large legend allows him to travel the world, collaborating with like-minded souls; a living embodiment of the original free spirit that fought to emancipate a generation, one of the few left still flying the freak flag as high as he can hoist it. Since the early 90s, Sinclair has released albums of his poetry, but Beatnik Youth is the high-profile statement he’s been meant to make all his life.…

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Clouds Of Dust

Bush to the left of them Blair to the right Into the valley of death   Drove the 5,000 In a great cloud of dust Into the jaws of Hell   "There's not to reason Or ask of them why There's is to do and to die"   After all that has gone There's no turning back For a Suicidal Cavalry Attack   Who wants to be the last one to die? In a war that already is lost Who wants to be the last one to die? In a war that doesn't exist   Two steps forward Then three steps back For a line that was drawn on a map…

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Captain Of My Soul

I am the Captain of my soul I am the master of my fate And I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming home   They'll send you to hell, with a habit of mind They'll make you a monster, with a habit of mind They'll force you to stand, it's a habit of mind And the sound of the shot, is just a habit of mind   They'll put you away, with a habit of mind The sleight of the hand, is a habit of mind They'll say that you're crazy, with a habit of mind They'll burn you alive, with a habit of mind   They'll keep you awake with a…

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Leper Colony

Open the gate to the Leper Colony To a catalogue of quarantined ideas Where the one eyed madmen are imprisoned by the blind To the open sore beneath a concrete sky   Open the gate Open the gate Open the gate to the last Leper Colony   Open the gate to the place of all lost causes To the death of dreams, to the road that goes nowhere To the drone of traffic passing by outside And the rubbish sacks melting in the sun   Open the gate to the last Leper Colony Open the gate to the last Leper Colony Open the gate to the last Leper Colony Open the…

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The Walls

The fucking walls They're closing in They Draw the lines Around my mind Did you see that? Make it stop The fucking walls The fucking walls   The fucking walls They keep us in No one is free You're one of them I hear the voice Inside my head The fucking walls The fucking walls   We're fucking lost The dead walk They know your name And your address They turn you cold With Loneliness The fucking walls The fucking walls   Words by Mark from Last Under The Sun

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Last Under The Sun – Hooligan Jihad 5 song CD EP released 23rd November 2012

Last Under The Sun - Hooligan Jihad 5 song CD EP (Released through Iron Man Records, Birmingham 5th September 2012) The band has been described as "Fast Chaotic Hardcore Punk Rock" from Birmingham England. Last Under The Sun includes members of Police Bastard, Jilted Generation and Lokey. Review from Ryan's Gig Guide October 2012 Mark Badger - Vocals / Guitar Seano Porno - Vocals / Guitar Hassan Sabbah - Bass Vic Flange - Drums Recorded, Mixed, Produced and Mastered by Simon Reeves at Framework Recording Studios, Musoplex, Birmingham, England between July and August 2010 Samuel Fry Obituary Neil Farrington Obituary Free full download of tracks available here: http://lastunderthesun.bandcamp.com/ Discography: "All Agents…

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The Devil's Masquerade

In the darkness of street light I can see in infra red I can feel a million insect wings Beating in my head "Don't believe the human eye In sunlight or in shade This shadow show of sight and sense Is a Devil's Masquerade"   When there's nothing but hell to pay Know that no one will speak to you Their friendship is a lie To them you're another fool As you watch you life go by Do anything you want You can't take the money with you It's a Devil's Masquerade   Hand over Hand as you climb under the sky Here no one can see you, or try to…

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Kill Generation

Hand them a mobile to say their goodbyes To their loved ones at home that they're leaving behind Force them to fight for a line in the sand A "Kill Generation" with a gun in their hand   War Crime, War Crime It started with a handshake But now you're on fire   No god can give you unquestionable rights Belief is no basis for intelligent life A guilt ridden grin showing white rotten teeth A War of attrition fed by greed and deceipt   War Crime, War Crime It started with a handshake But now you're on fire   Kill Generation Kill Generation Kill Generation   You sold our sons…

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Death on Credit

Join the "Cult of Amateur" here Selfish, Malignant, inducer of greed Infested with thousands, the fields are alive   Open your eyes Take a good look At the yellowing crust You're stuck on a hook The Spread of the rot There's plague on this land Bring out your dead   A thousand wired networks corrupting the grid Insatiable swarm of digital grubs Encrusting the ploughshare, destroying the crop   Open your eyes Take a good look At the yellowing crust You're stuck on a hook The Spread of the rot There's plague on this land Bring out your dead Bring out your dead   Death on Credit, Death On Credit  …

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Death's Rifles

No response to the order Nothing can make you answer them No Acceptance of the paper No Signature or mark Stood motionless Arms crossed with bowed heads Not the aim of Death's Rifles Will ever make them work   The world is a step outside A grey sunless prison You could drop where you stand No one made it out of here alive To the mines or the marshland Where the wild cherry grows Not the aim of Death's Rifles Could ever make us work   It's all in your mind   All in your mind   Not the freezing of the skin Or the cut of the razor Not the…

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They outlawed our kind We took to the hills The forest of never be found At night we sit beneath a starlit sky Is this the meaning of Free?   What Kind of plan takes the food from their hands Expects us to do as they say We'll fight to the death until the last man down Ideas cannot die?   Learn the maze, stay on the screen Only take what they give you for free   Borders are not for keeping you out They're for keeping the slaves inside Sign up today, all they want is a name How much will it cost you to play?   People will one…

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