TC Lethbridge in 2020 – Standing On The Verge Of Getting It On

Long, long ago in in the deep forgotten past, three musicians came together in an ancient landscape and made music that drifted away, seemingly lost for all time. This was in Wiltshire around 1992. Would you like a copy of this book to read? You have three options. 1. Become an Iron Man Records Patron and I will send you a copy as an instant reward. You can also request download codes for all three TC Lethbridge releases to date. 2. If you don't want to do the Patron thing, I will put a few copies for Sale at £23.00 each in the Iron Man Shop and also on Bandcamp when…

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TC Lethbridge – Project to Uncover Ancient Hill Figures on Wandlebury Hill, Cambridgeshire

What’s the best thing you can do with £100? I think I’ve said this before, If you spend too much time in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction you might end up working with music. Living life in a completely deluded state, generating massive debt for no apparent reason can prove to be a nonsense. Sometimes I do things for money. Sometimes I do things for free, and sometimes I do things I don’t really understand. As the Cheshire Cat says “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” I like to take my nonsense seriously. You can be sitting…

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Dead Wax Digbeth, 28 Adderley St, Digbeth, Birmingham, B9 4ED. New Birmingham venue and ‘vinyl bar’ opens

“. . . an optimistic mind-set finds dozens of possible solutions for every problem that the pessimist regards as incurable.” – Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati - 45 Birmingham and Midlands artists and DJs launch Dead Wax Digbeth from Thursday 28th November - Venue will be home to a collection of 4000 records, operating an ‘all vinyl, all the time’ policy - Music fans invited to play the venue’s records or bring own vinyl to play at city’s newest music destination - Craft beers from Beavertown, Laine Brew Co. and local breweries on offer all year round Dead Wax Digbeth 28 Adderley St, Digbeth, Birmingham…

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Church of Burn – Put your money where your mind is – Sunday 8th Dec 2019 – Annual Ritual Mass Money Burn Event

Produced and presented by MBG and Church of the Cosmic Burn in collaboration with The Cockpit and Iron Man Records. Church of Burn at the Cockpit is the largest annual Ritual Mass Money Burn Event in the world. In human history, Ritual Sacrifice has been pivotal in the ordering of economic relations and served to create civilisation, itself. We have forgotten this. "Money gains strength through our obedience. The more we let ourselves be governed by money, the more power we grant it and the more the vulnerable suffer." The Church of Burn redefines money and recasts our relationship with it. In Ritual it becomes a powerful sacrament - perhaps the most…

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How to become an Iron Man Records Patron

Patrons play a vital role in driving forward Iron Man Records vision to create a more engaged independent alternative. Whoever controls the internet servers, controls the intellectual record of humankind. And by controlling the intellectual record of humankind, you control our perceptions of who we are. When all music is digital, all independence will cease. Iron Man Records would like to release all new records on Vinyl. You are invited to find out how you can become a Patron.

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What does an independent alternative mean to you?

Patrons play a vital role in driving forward Iron Man Records vision to create a more engaged independent alternative. Whoever controls the internet servers, controls the intellectual record of humankind. And by controlling the intellectual record of humankind, you control our perceptions of who we are. When all music is digital, all independence will cease. Iron Man Records would like to release all new records on Vinyl. You are invited to find out how you can become a Patron.

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Invitation to become an Iron Man Records Patron

Patrons play a vital role in driving forward Iron Man Records vision to create a more engaged alternative. Whoever controls the internet servers, controls the intellectual record of humankind. And by controlling the intellectual record of humankind, you control our perceptions of who we are. When all music is digital, all independence will cease. Iron Man Records would like to release all new records on Vinyl. You are invited to find out how you can become a Patron.

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Morus – Cialo Obce (CD) released 23rd January 2019 on Iron Man Records

"Amazing Record. Members of POST REGIMENT and fellow Warsaw punkers ANTIDOTUM, EDELWEISS PIRATEN, ATOMICO PATIBULO & EL BANDA" Morus - "Cialo Obce" CD Released 23rd January 2019 as a collaboration between MORUS, IRON MAN RECORDS and TRUJACA FALA. Catalogue Number: IMB6043. "Cialo Obce" translates to "foreign body" or "alien body" Morus started as a band around 2012 in Warsaw. The group went through several name changes and played a few gigs around Poland - mostly at squats or independent clubs/places. The band played some DIY festivals including 'ultra chaos punx picnic' in żelebsko and "outside fest" in Wojcieszów, both in 2016. Morus recorded their first demo in 2012, the second one in…

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Morus – Cialo Obce – Reviews

Morus - Cialo Obce Catalogue Number: IMB6040. Released 15th June 2018 as a collaboration between Morus and UNREST, RUIN NATION, IRON MAN RECORDS, LAST HOUR, TRUJACA FALA. "Cialo Obce" translates to "foreign body" or "alien body." MORUS – CIALO OBCE: Review from Maximum Rock 'n Roll Fanzine MORUS – CIALO OBCE: "Amazing Record. Members of POST REGIMENT and fellow Warsaw punkers ANTIDOTUM, EDELWEISS PIRATEN, ATOMICO PATIBULO & EL BANDA" MORUS – CIALO OBCE: “I’ve long had a love affair with Polish hardcore and punk and singular in that obsession has long been Post Regiment—so you can imagine how excited I was to discover that two members had formed a new band…

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Ritual Midnight Mass Burn – Saturday 3rd November 2018 at The Cockpit, London.

Produced and presented by Church of the Cosmic Burn This Ritual Mass Money Burning is FREE to attend. You must register on the Events Facebook Page 
or text your name to 07497 885115. THE COCKPIT
, Gateforth Street, London, NW8 8EH Box Office: 020 7258 2925
 (10.30am - 6pm, Monday - Friday,
(Please arrive at least 23 minutes before the service) 
SERVICE AND RITUAL LAST ABOUT 90 MINUTES CURFEW 2AM The Service will last about 60 minutes and will consist of scriptural readings, sermons, performance and an associated Ritual from a very special guest. The service concludes with the main…

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Morus – Cialo Obce (Vinyl) released 15th June 2018 on Iron Man Records

"Cialo Obce" translates to "foreign body" or "alien body" Morus - Cialo Obce Catalogue Number: IMB6040 Released 15th June 2018 as a collaboration between Morus and UNREST, RUIN NATION, IRON MAN RECORDS, LAST HOUR, TRUJACA FALA. Morus started as a band around 2012 in Warsaw. The group went through several name changes and played a few gigs around poland - mostly at squats or independent clubs/places. The band played some DIY festivals inlcuding 'ultra chaos punx picnic' in żelebsko and "outside fest" in Wojcieszów, both in 2016. Morus recorded their first demo in 2012, the second one in 2016 - they can be still found on bandcamp. "We put our hearts in…

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John Sinclair – Beatnik Youth Ambient – Press update

John Sinclair - Beatnik Youth Ambient Iron Man Records IMB6033 Distributed by Cargo All Press enquiries to Sean Newsham : [email protected] "Incendiary bebop beauty from the renegade poet John Sinclair with hand drawn cover artwork by YOUTH. If we ever needed a passionate beat soul speaking words of wisdom, it’s now, and John Sinclair - Revolutionary, Jazzman - lays it down. Bohemian ex-manager of the MC5, Sinclair was central to 1960’s counterculture. A year or two back he met producer YOUTH (Primal Scream, U2), and got dragged into the 21st Century. The result is a hypnotic celebration of personal freedom; laid-back thoughts spoken in John Sinclair’s gruff, grainy drawl, draped against blues, bebop and…

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Iron Man Records releases to be included in British Library Sound Archive

Something happens while you are orbiting the Nation's capital on the M25 for 25 hours in a van with a dangerous madman jumping around and shouting instructions from the back seat. James at British Library Sound Archive has been in touch, he wants to catalogue and archive all the releases on Iron Man Records. The music will become part of the nation's audio & cultural heritage and it will be available (on a restricted access server) to anyone holding a British Library readers pass (writers, researchers, fans etc.). You have to go in person either to London or to the other site in Boston Spa, Yorkshire. The Library do not allow…

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