15 Reasons to Burn Your Money – Become an Iron Man Records Patron

High Priest of Church of Burn MBG (aka Jonathan Harris) - a money burner for 15 years - and the first Iron Man Records Patron…..gives you 15 reasons why burning money is a good thing and tells you how the world would be a better place if we all burned some money every once in a while. Jon has supported Iron Man Records for many years and was the first to sign up as a Patron. Not just anyone supports Iron Man Records and wants the music to be heard. Thank you for your support and give Jon’s Video a watch. Jon and I have worked together on many things and…

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Church of Burn’s ‘Festival of Money’ – London 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th July 2021. Support our crowdfund

Church of Burn in collaboration with The Cockpit present: CoB's Festival of Money Most money events are as dull as dishwater. There's even one that's actually called 'The Boring Money Conference'.  These events are usually sponsored by some corporation, accountancy firm or bank. And they're mostly for folks like venture capitalists, payment gurus, financial advisors and the movers and shakers in Fintech; all big earners who then get to set the agenda for the rest of us. CoB's Festival of Money is different. A whole lot different.  If a normal money conference is like karaoke, ours is more Jimi Hendrix at Monterey. First up, there's the venue. The Cockpit is a legendary fringe theatre not a bland conference…

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Church of Burn – Put your money where your mind is – Sunday 8th Dec 2019 – Annual Ritual Mass Money Burn Event

Produced and presented by MBG and Church of the Cosmic Burn in collaboration with The Cockpit and Iron Man Records. Church of Burn at the Cockpit is the largest annual Ritual Mass Money Burn Event in the world. In human history, Ritual Sacrifice has been pivotal in the ordering of economic relations and served to create civilisation, itself. We have forgotten this. "Money gains strength through our obedience. The more we let ourselves be governed by money, the more power we grant it and the more the vulnerable suffer." The Church of Burn redefines money and recasts our relationship with it. In Ritual it becomes a powerful sacrament - perhaps the most…

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