Whoever controls the internet servers, controls the intellectual record of humankind

"He who controls the present, controls the past" - George Orwell. Whoever controls the internet servers, controls the intellectual record of humankind. And by controlling the intellectual record of humankind, you control our perceptions of who we are. When all music is digital, all independence will cease. Iron Man Records would like to release all new records on Vinyl and you can help make something happen. You are invited to become a Patron. "When All Music is Digital, All Independence ceases." Iron Man Records is an independent record label, that began in 1996. To release Vinyl at an affordable price, and maintain it's independence, Iron Man Records needs your help. Iron…

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9 Questions answered by Mark at Iron Man Records, Birmingham, 2012.

How did Iron Man Records come about? I started buying records at an early age but soon found that record collecting was an expensive luxury and the only choice was what was stacked on the shelves or anything that hadnt already sold out. I spent time finding good second hand shops but again, the majority of records i found were old vinyl in poor condition or unwanted items and i could never find much I was interested in. I spent a lot of my time reading the music magazines for free in shops on saturday afternoons looking at the features and reviews but again there was never much i really found…

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Your Darkest Thought. State Funding and Music, You have been warned.

I was thinking about writing my own piece on this but then I found myself at The Adelphi in Hull with Dufus. After a long conversation with Paul, the owner of The Adelphi, who has proved a one man army behind the best gig in Hull for independent bands, I decided instead to quote you some words written by Bill Drummond as a contribution to "One Man and His Bog." The Photos are mine, the words are Bill's, The Adelphi is Paul's and the people who work there are some of the best you'll find. Oh Yeah, and public funding or state sponsorhip of the arts has had nothing to do…

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