If you see a barrier, smash it down. 'The Colours Started to Sing Again' is the first new recording by Transglobal Underground in several years. 'I Left My Sweet Homeland' is a remix from the 2009 release 'A Gathering of Strangers' Digital Album and CD released May 13, 2019 Natacha Atlas sings on 'The Colours Started to Sing Again.' Nori Kovacs sings on 'I Left My Sweet Homeland' Transglobal Underground represent something so unique it would be a travesty and blasphemy to attempt to define them in one sentence or write a encyclopedia, you are sure to miss something. Nation Records gave a platform to the band who in turn shared,…
Transglobal Underground featuring Natacha Atlas – Destination Overground
It’s the early 1990s. Drum and bass are two separate things. Club music and live music exist in two separate universes. Bhangra is omnipresent and unknown at one and the same time. Reggae and dub are half-forgotten sub genres. If you want to find any Arabic music in London there’s a guy with a stall at Shepherds Bush Market and that’s about it. Every music genre is parcelled up, labelled up, and kept in it’s own yard as far as possible from any other. This compilation celebrates a rebellion against the musical divisions of those days, tells the story of how it happened and what happened next. It all started with…
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