TC Lethbridge in 2020 – Standing On The Verge Of Getting It On

Long, long ago in in the deep forgotten past, three musicians came together in an ancient landscape and made music that drifted away, seemingly lost for all time. This was in Wiltshire around 1992. Would you like a copy of this book to read? You have three options. 1. Become an Iron Man Records Patron and I will send you a copy as an instant reward. You can also request download codes for all three TC Lethbridge releases to date. 2. If you don't want to do the Patron thing, I will put a few copies for Sale at £23.00 each in the Iron Man Shop and also on Bandcamp when…

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TC Lethbridge – Project to Uncover Ancient Hill Figures on Wandlebury Hill, Cambridgeshire

What’s the best thing you can do with £100? I think I’ve said this before, If you spend too much time in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction you might end up working with music. Living life in a completely deluded state, generating massive debt for no apparent reason can prove to be a nonsense. Sometimes I do things for money. Sometimes I do things for free, and sometimes I do things I don’t really understand. As the Cheshire Cat says “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” I like to take my nonsense seriously. You can be sitting…

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How to become an Iron Man Records Patron

Patrons play a vital role in driving forward Iron Man Records vision to create a more engaged independent alternative. Whoever controls the internet servers, controls the intellectual record of humankind. And by controlling the intellectual record of humankind, you control our perceptions of who we are. When all music is digital, all independence will cease. Iron Man Records would like to release all new records on Vinyl. You are invited to find out how you can become a Patron.

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Invitation to become an Iron Man Records Patron

Patrons play a vital role in driving forward Iron Man Records vision to create a more engaged alternative. Whoever controls the internet servers, controls the intellectual record of humankind. And by controlling the intellectual record of humankind, you control our perceptions of who we are. When all music is digital, all independence will cease. Iron Man Records would like to release all new records on Vinyl. You are invited to find out how you can become a Patron.

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Whoever controls the internet servers, controls the intellectual record of humankind

"He who controls the present, controls the past" - George Orwell. Whoever controls the internet servers, controls the intellectual record of humankind. And by controlling the intellectual record of humankind, you control our perceptions of who we are. When all music is digital, all independence will cease. Iron Man Records would like to release all new records on Vinyl and you can help make something happen. You are invited to become a Patron. "When All Music is Digital, All Independence ceases." Iron Man Records is an independent record label, that began in 1996. To release Vinyl at an affordable price, and maintain it's independence, Iron Man Records needs your help. Iron…

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What was the last record you bought on Vinyl, and when was that?

Would you enjoy becoming an Iron Man Records Patron? Do you like listening to music on Vinyl? Would you feel happy supporting the cause and contributing to the next release on Vinyl? Do you want to Immanentize the Eschaton? Are you a risk taker? To be honest, I have NO idea what questions to ask or how much to ask for. What would you be able to give? It's probably none of my business. Iron Man Records needs more Patrons and you're exactly the sort of person. You're even reading this stuff. We all spend money on nonsense. This is not nonsense. I would like to invite you to become a…

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The Imagine Nation

“Under the present system of mass education by classes too much stress is laid on teaching and too little on active learning. The child is not encouraged to discover things on his own account. He learns to rely on outside help, not on his own powers, thus losing intellectual independence and all capacity to judge for himself. The over-taught child is the father of the newspaper - reading, advertisement - believing, propaganda - swallowing, demagogue - led man – the man who makes modern democracy the farce it is.” – Aldous Huxley, Proper Studies (1927) Culture Industry is a term coined by Theodor Adorno (1903–69) and Max Horkheimer (1895–1973), who argued…

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Iron Man Records releases to be included in British Library Sound Archive

Something happens while you are orbiting the Nation's capital on the M25 for 25 hours in a van with a dangerous madman jumping around and shouting instructions from the back seat. James at British Library Sound Archive has been in touch, he wants to catalogue and archive all the releases on Iron Man Records. The music will become part of the nation's audio & cultural heritage and it will be available (on a restricted access server) to anyone holding a British Library readers pass (writers, researchers, fans etc.). You have to go in person either to London or to the other site in Boston Spa, Yorkshire. The Library do not allow…

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TC Lethbridge – 2000TC – Standing On The Verge Of Getting It On

Long, long ago in in the deep forgotten past, three musicians came together in an ancient landscape and made music that drifted away, seemingly lost for all time. This was in Wiltshire around 1992, to be more precise. The band was TC Lethbridge. It contained Doggen and Kev Bales from Spiritualized/Brain Donor and the artist Flinton Chalk. The band did not last long - they imploded before they had even played their first gig. But something happened to these musicians as they practiced, wrote and recorded in the Neolithic village of Avebury in the early nineties. They were marked by the experience. The album they were recording as they fell apart…

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Iron Man Records would like to release more music on Vinyl. You are invited to get Involved.

I want to invite you to support Iron Man Records releasing more music on Vinyl via Patreon. A small donation of something like $1 a month could help Iron Man Records release some of the recent CD and Digital releases on Vinyl. Here is a list of recent releases that could be made available on Vinyl with your help: IMB6020 POLICE BASTARD – Dead To The World – Digital Release (23rd November 2015) IMB6021 POLICE BASTARD – Confined CD / Digital 2013 IMB6022 JOHN SINCLAIR – Mohawk CD / Digital 2014 IMB6023 DEATH TO FANATICS – Iron Man Records 1999-2014 compilation CD 2014 IMB6027 T.C. Lethbridge – Moon Equipped – Digital…

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A small donation could help Iron Man Records to release more music on Vinyl

I want to invite you to support Iron Man Records releasing more music on Vinyl via Patreon. I have been running Iron Man Records since 1996. I have never earnt anything, of any significance, from the work I have done so far, and neither have the bands. In fact the debts are what the label’s worth. It has been a true labour of love, and I like to think the music has made a lot of people happy. The label has released over 30 records by some fantastic bands and artists and continues to work hard on a daily basis. Iron Man Records wants to make all new releases from the…

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TC Lethbridge – Neo-Psychedelic rock troupe missing for 23 years by Guy Hirst

Made up of two long standing members of space rock pioneers Spiritualized (Doggen, Bales) and named after the radical archaeologist turned occultist T.C. Lethbridge, the band return with three re-issues of their self-released albums recorded in the early nineties: Moon Equipped, Mina and 2000 TC – released November 23rd 2014 via Iron Man Records. T.C Lethbridge is Kevin Bales, Tony Doggen Foster and Flinton Chalk. The re-issues promoted their first public performance in 23 years last November at Liverpool’s Cosmic Trigger Festival, a theatrical production and continuation of the Illuminatus Trilogy - a satirical story of drugs, sex, magic and conspiracy theories – which was originally adapted to stage by legendary…

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Flinton Chalk – 111hz Cairn T Soundtrack

WARNING! THIS TRACK CONTAINS 111 HERTZ WHICH MAY INDUCE A STATE OF TRANCE PLEASE LISTEN RESPONSIBLY. The soundtrack to the Cairn T film and art installation composed and produced by Flinton Chalk (also of the band TC Lethbridge), performed by The Barrittones choir in the prehistoric chamber of Cairn T, Loughcrew, County Meath, Ireland. 111 Hertz is the average resonant frequency of the Neolithic monuments archaeoacoustically tested by Cambridge University. Medical pilot trials to date have established that this frequency increases activity in the right prefrontal cortex of the human brain whist reducing activity in the left prefrontal cortex. In 1996, Cambridge University and Princeton University USA published the results of…

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