The concrete skies hang heavy Over power lines, and railway bridges And flyovers, and orange streetlights And warehouse rooves, and factory units But, don't worry About me, or my sister We're out late tonight We're out late tonight We're sitting in the dark On the banks of the old canal Watching the stars, reflect on the water If you want to find us We're just waiting here For something to happen We'll be late tonight We'll be late tonight Just me and my sister We're out late tonight I love my sister And she loves me too But, if you want to find us Please don't worry We've…
Cactus Farming At The Ends of The Earth
Death's Head
I used to stand in your garden And watch the clouds of summertime rain In the distance over haybarns and cornfields I wonder do you remember my name Through the silence you could see out past the telegraph lines As the lightning in sheets crossed the skies I could see the wild flowers growing in the meadows And the trees swaying in the breeze The air in the evening was like rosewater And we'd watch as the thunder clouds rolled Never new it then but we were just starting We would never see those days come again Everybody needs an angel And everybody's got a devil by their…
The Crows Song
Today I've been talking to A crow Down by the old tin mine He's been telling me Of all the shiny things He found yesterday In the stream I talk to the birds And I talk to the trees I talk to the flowers I talk to the streams The crow He told me many things And of a polished stone The colour of fallen leaves He said if you have an honest heart It is a magic stone Upon it's surface the future will be revealed I talk to the birds I talk to the trees Won't you please stop the voices Won't you please take me…
If I could Live My Life Again
If I could live my life again I wonder which nightmare, I'd do differently this time Would I take her hand and never let it go Or would I watch her smiling back at me Forever from an album photo If I could live my life again Would I lie awake thinking of someone else's touch Or would I listen to your breathing as you sleep Or would I shiver with the dawn sitting in an empty room Let me carry you my love Across the oceans of your dreams I will take you to my secret place Let me show you to the margins of the world We…
I saw her reflection in a window When I turned, she was gone The rooftops and the deadbrick stretch for miles and miles Someday all of this will come down And the people walking by Look just like ghosts I passed a row of empty houses And a line of trees made of bone She held me for a moment in her watery eyes But the demon in me never sleeps My dreams are filled with open fields and rivers And she stands within a veil of autumn mist These office blocks and shops don't mean a thing to me One day all of this will be gone…
Shade me from the Sun
I'm standing on this bridge Looking down Into the waters A million insect wings Are beating Beating in my head But still these river waters Run deep Those crystal cool cool waters Run deep Keep this cancerous sun Out of my eyes Keep it from my skin The stillness of the air Disarms me It strips me bare But still these river waters run deep Those crystal cool cool waters run deep The days grow long The days are growing long The days grow longer still Shade me from your sun Shade me from your sun Words by Mark from "Cactus Farming At The Ends Of…
Language of Spirits
My friend, music is The language of the spirits When birds sing, do they call to the flowers Or do they call, to the trees, or to the streams? For man in his understanding, cannot know What the bird is saying Nor what the stream is murmuring When the ocean Waves crash upon the shore Can man in his understanding know What the rain What the breeze What the flowers know? Man in his understanding Cannot know What the bird is saying Nor what the stream is murmuring In your depths We deposit all our hearts All our soul The spirits taught us to see with…
Storm Girl
The smell of flowers Is always on her lips and The mysteries of life are in her eyes And she said you men fear all things Even yourselves Even the sky The daughter of the forests Drew closer And laid her perfumed hands Upon my burning eyes And she whispered to me Can you feel it my love Can you feel it my love In your dreams In your dreams In your dreams Words by Mark from "Cactus Farming At The Ends Of The Earth" first published by Miracle Grow 2001.
Silence, is such a fearful sound Someone pull me, from this metal box Far above the atmosphere I'm looking down to where the oceans never sleep They never sleep Electric storms and solar flares Flashing through my dreams This waking nightmare In the wakefulness of the ocean There's a medicine For the spirit That cannot rest I'm waiting for the tidal wave Close your eyes Let the whirlpool, take you under Close your eyes Can you see the colours burn Close your eyes I'll Take you..... How long can I keep awake Across this endless silence And all these meteor showers All this time, this precious time Spinning…
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