Morus – Cialo Obce (Vinyl + CD) an Amazing record featuring members of POST REGIMENT, ANTIDOTUM, EDELWEISS PIRATEN, ATOMICO PATIBULO & EL BANDA

Morus - Cialo Obce "Cialo Obce" translates to "foreign body" or "alien body" Released as a collaboration between Morus and UNREST, RUIN NATION, IRON MAN RECORDS, LAST HOUR, TRUJACA FALA. Morus started as a band around 2012 in Warsaw. The group went through several name changes and played a few gigs around poland - mostly at squats or independent clubs/places. Morus recorded their first demo in 2012, the second one in 2016 - they can be found on bandcamp. "We put our hearts in it, and time and effort, of course. It's honest. It's Punk. The music is fast but melodic. I think about the lyrics I write carefully. They're angry…

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John Murry – The Stars are God’s Bullet Holes

“We talk in black and white, ones and zeros and satellites, and one day we just might, replace our very souls.” 4 star review MOJO, 4 star review from Rock N Reel, 4 star review The Record Collector 9/10 review UNCUT, 9/10 review HotPress Irish Times, John on the cover of Maverick Magazine, Record of the Day, Killing Moon, Music News, Americana UK and Mystic Sons, Turtle Tempo review, a Killing Moon Track of the Day, review on Rising Artists. Also Unrecorded, When the Horn Blows, The Sounds Won't Stop. Buy ‘The Stars Are God’s Bullet Holes’ CD from Iron Man Records Buy ‘The Stars Are God’s Bullet Holes’ VINYL from…

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Police Bastard – Confined (Vinyl) distributed by Cargo Records

Confined by Police Bastard “Thought-provoking monologues and confrontational lyrics bring you on a cold, doom-laden journey of perpetual war, psychological mind control and disillusionment.” Only 500 copies pressed on Black Vinyl. A big thank you to all Iron Man Records Patrons who helped make this possible. Cover Art by Mark “skinny” Orton “CVLT Nation’s Top 6 Crust Albums: Police Bastard are pretty infamous at this stage, so no need for any introductions with band member links to Doom, Sore Throat, Cain, Rainbow Grave, Filthkick, Sensa Yuma etc. Their album ‘Confined’ sticks to their cynical view of the world mixed with innovative guitar textures and driving industrial intensity. Thought-provoking monologues and confrontational…

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