John Sinclair (1941-2024) Last of the Beatnik Warrior Poets and Cultural Revolutionary has passed away at 82. The work must go on

“Rock N Roll music is a weapon of cultural revolution. There are not enough musicians around today who are hip to this fact” John Sinclair is best known as the Sixties "marijuana" activist who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for giving two joints to an undercover policewoman. He was eventually freed when John Lennon and Yoko Ono spoke out on his behalf. Less understood is his role as the founder and chairman of the radical anti-war group, The White Panther Party, an offshoot of the Black Panthers. The Black Panther Party was a militant political organization formed after the brutal murders of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Robert…

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John Sinclair – Renegade Poet, Beatnik and Cultural Revolutionary

Immortalized by John Lennon’s 1972 song that bears his name, Sinclair is an iconic figure of ‘60s counterculture, famous for, among other things, having co-founded the anti-racist White Panther Party and for managing Detroit’s legendary proto-punk outfit MC5 early in its history. Following a highly publicized two-year stint in prison for marijuana possession (Lennon’s song was a protest against his incarceration), Sinclair has stuck to his guns as an advocate for marijuana reform. “Living Euro to Euro, sleeping on the couches and extra beds of friends, a man without a country and a post office box in New Orleans for a permanent address.” That's how spoken word poet John Sinclair describes…

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John Sinclair Presents Detroit Artists Workshop

Not many people can say that John Lennon wrote a song about them, but John Sinclair is among that select bunch. Viewed by the powers-that-be as a dangerous revolutionary for his involvement with the White Panther Party, Sinclair was handed a ludicrously harsh sentence – “they gave him ten for two” – for marijuana possession after a police sting. In 1971, Lennon, along with Yoko Ono, Stevie Wonder, Phil Ochs and Archie Shepp played a freedom rally in Michigan and three days later Sinclair was freed. Sinclair is probably best known in the music world for managing riotous proto-punks The MC5 and imbuing them with a radical zeal. But Sinclair is…

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50th Anniversary Celebration of the John Sinclair Freedom Rally, Detroit, 10th December, 2021

Beatnik Youth Ambient by John Sinclair (Detroit, November 20, 2021)—Former Michigan marijuana prisoner John Sinclair, his family and friends will celebrate his release from Jackson Prison 50 years ago with an early evening party at the Ralston Holistic Healing Center at 19730 Ralston Street (near State Fair) from 6:00-10:00 pm on December 10, 2021, exactly 50 years after the John Sinclair Freedom Rally at Crisler Arena in Ann Arbor where John Lennon & Yoko Ono, Stevie Wonder, Bobby Seale, Phil Ochs, Allen Ginsberg, Bob Seger, Commander Cody and a host of others gathered to speak, play and protest the imprisonment of their friend John Sinclair following a sentence in Detroit Recorder’s…

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50th Anniversary Celebration of the John Sinclair Freedom Rally to be held at Ralston Center in Detroit on 10th December, 2021

Beatnik Youth Ambient by John Sinclair (Detroit, November 20, 2021)—Former Michigan marijuana prisoner John Sinclair, his family and friends will celebrate his release from Jackson Prison 50 years ago with an early evening party at the Ralston Holistic Healing Center and Stonehouse Bar at 19730 Ralston Street (near State Fair) from 6:00-10:00 pm on December 10, 2021, exactly 50 years after the John Sinclair Freedom Rally at Crisler Arena in Ann Arbor where John Lennon & Yoko Ono, Stevie Wonder, Bobby Seale, Phil Ochs, Allen Ginsberg, Bob Seger, Commander Cody and a host of others gathered to speak, play and protest the imprisonment of their friend John Sinclair following a sentence…

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John Sinclair – Time Line from 1941 to 2018. A Life’s work to date…..

1941-1959 Born October 2 at Women’s Hospital, Flint, Michigan Parents: John Sr. (Jack) and Elsie Sinclair Sister Kathleen born 1943, brother David born 1945 Attended Davison Public Schools, Davison, Michigan 1959 1959-1964 Attended Albion College, Albion, Michigan, 1959-61 Attended Flint Junior College, 1961 Attended University of Michigan-Flint College. 1962-64 Editor, The Word, UM–Flint President, UM—Flint Cinema Guild Graduated UM-Flint, January 1964, A.B. English Literature 1964-67 Attended Wayne State University, Detroit, Graduate School of English Master’s Thesis: William Burroughs’ Naked Lunch Convicted of Marijuana Possession, Detroit Recorders Court, Sentenced to two years probation Co-Founder & Director, Detroit Artists Workshop Founder & Director, Detroit LEMAR (Legalize Marijuana) Editor & Publisher, Artists Workshop Press…

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John Sinclair – Kick Out The Jams Limited Edition T-shirt

This is the first in a series of Limited Edition John Sinclair T-shirts featuring a White Panther design on the FRONT and a quote from John Sinclair on the BACK. Strictly Limited to 50 Shirts including a download code for Beatnik Youth. When these T-shirts are gone, they're gone. The T-shirts are Gildan Extra Tees. A black shirt with a white print on the front and back, with a Green Cannabis Leaf design. The T-shirt is a heavy weight shirt, available in Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large and Extra Extra Large. Also available in Ladies Small. When you buy or pre-order this shirt you also get a download code for John…

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Morus – Cialo Obce (CD) released 23rd January 2019 on Iron Man Records

"Amazing Record. Members of POST REGIMENT and fellow Warsaw punkers ANTIDOTUM, EDELWEISS PIRATEN, ATOMICO PATIBULO & EL BANDA" Morus - "Cialo Obce" CD Released 23rd January 2019 as a collaboration between MORUS, IRON MAN RECORDS and TRUJACA FALA. Catalogue Number: IMB6043. "Cialo Obce" translates to "foreign body" or "alien body" Morus started as a band around 2012 in Warsaw. The group went through several name changes and played a few gigs around Poland - mostly at squats or independent clubs/places. The band played some DIY festivals including 'ultra chaos punx picnic' in żelebsko and "outside fest" in Wojcieszów, both in 2016. Morus recorded their first demo in 2012, the second one in…

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Morus – Cialo Obce – Reviews

Morus - Cialo Obce Catalogue Number: IMB6040. Released 15th June 2018 as a collaboration between Morus and UNREST, RUIN NATION, IRON MAN RECORDS, LAST HOUR, TRUJACA FALA. "Cialo Obce" translates to "foreign body" or "alien body." MORUS – CIALO OBCE: Review from Maximum Rock 'n Roll Fanzine MORUS – CIALO OBCE: "Amazing Record. Members of POST REGIMENT and fellow Warsaw punkers ANTIDOTUM, EDELWEISS PIRATEN, ATOMICO PATIBULO & EL BANDA" MORUS – CIALO OBCE: “I’ve long had a love affair with Polish hardcore and punk and singular in that obsession has long been Post Regiment—so you can imagine how excited I was to discover that two members had formed a new band…

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Become an Iron Man Records Patron for $1 and help make Vinyl Record releases happen

As an Iron Man Records Patron, you can order anything you want from the Iron Man Records Store and have it sent to a friend, as a Christmas present, for free. You can become an Iron Man Records Patron for as little as $1 or 60p a month. Choose any physical release on Iron Man Records, Vinyl or CD, or any download code you like. You can choose any T-shirt or Hoodie too. Iron Man Records also have stuff on Discogs, have a look here. Message Iron Man Records through Patreon, or send an email to [email protected] with the name and address of your friend, the item of choice, and Iron Man Records will make it happen, and All for FREE. If you want…

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Money Burning — Midnight Mass at The Cockpit, London, 3rd November 2018

“Money is what God used to be. Good and Evil have no meaning any longer except failure and success. Hence the profoundly significant phrase, to make good” — George Orwell I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British Money supply” — Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild (1840–1915) “A man without a God is like a fish without a bicycle” — The Cosmic Trigger Play I arrived at The Cockpit sometime after 10.30pm, I had just finished work with Transglobal Underground featuring Natacha Atlas. As a Musician’s Tour…

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Ritual Midnight Mass Burn – Saturday 3rd November 2018 at The Cockpit, London.

Produced and presented by Church of the Cosmic Burn This Ritual Mass Money Burning is FREE to attend. You must register on the Events Facebook Page 
or text your name to 07497 885115. THE COCKPIT
, Gateforth Street, London, NW8 8EH Box Office: 020 7258 2925
 (10.30am - 6pm, Monday - Friday,
(Please arrive at least 23 minutes before the service) 
SERVICE AND RITUAL LAST ABOUT 90 MINUTES CURFEW 2AM The Service will last about 60 minutes and will consist of scriptural readings, sermons, performance and an associated Ritual from a very special guest. The service concludes with the main…

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STEVE HOWE (of the band YES) a rare, Solo show in support of the Ed Renshaw Award – Wednesday 31st October 2018

In December 2011, Ed Renshaw, the son of British clothes designer Margaret Howell, committed suicide following a long bout of depression. Ed was a gifted musician. He was 30. Ed, who had been playing guitar since the age of ten had a rare talent for the instrument, equally fluent in classical, jazz and other styles he had achieved international recognition and had a bright future ahead of him. Despite the mentoring and support he received from the music business, family and friends, Ed suffered from a lack of self-esteem. Set up in memory of Renshaw by his family and friends in 2012, the Ed Renshaw Award aims to help young musicians…

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Ed Renshaw Music Award

In December 2011, Ed Renshaw, the son of British clothes designer Margaret Howell, committed suicide following a long bout of depression. ‘Sad to report the death of guitarist Ed Renshaw, a guitarist able to play in a broad range of contexts from work in Alec Dankworth's Spanish Accents band and with Tony Coe, to classical repertoire and flamenco. His work abroad had taken him to Vienna, working with Peter Herbert and Franz Koglmann, and to the Loelner Philharomnie. Sandy Burnett writes: "he was a supremely talented jazz and classical guitarist. He was young - born in 1981 - and had been suffering from depression’ - London Jazz News Ed was an…

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