23 reasons to become an Iron Man Records Patron.

Whoever controls the internet servers, controls the intellectual record of humankind. And by controlling the intellectual record of humankind, you control our perceptions of who we are. When all music is digital, all independence will cease. Iron Man Records would like to release all new music on Vinyl. "The primary goal of government propaganda is to undermine our faith in everything. Not just our belief in particular stories in the news, but our trust in the people who are telling the stories, the platforms, and fact-based reality itself."- Douglas Rushkoff Thank you for your support if you are already a Patron. The next task is to find the others. Please share…

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Iron Man Records Rehearsal Space and Recording Studio in Hockley, Birmingham.

“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality” – The Cheshire Cat, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Iron Man Records provides a cultural outpost for Musicians, Writers, Performers and Travellers in the arts with a large purpose built Music Rehearsal Space and Recording Studio. The Record label seeks to encourage residents and travellers in the arts to gather, record and present their cultural insights and experiences. “The first step to controlling your world is to control your culture. To model and demonstrate the kind of world you demand to live in. To write the books. Make the music. Shoot the films. Paint the art.” Chuck Palahniuk Located outside the Clean…

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Seth Faergolzia – Not Ants – Summer 2022 Tour

Not Ants by Seth Faergolzia's Multibird Seth Faergolzia is Coming to Europe...and he’s bringing 4 new albums along with him! “It's been such a long long time since I've gotten over to Europe to see friends and fans out there. Instead of touring during all this time, I've been diligently focused on the creation of new music and the completion of unfinished works.  I hope you'll all take a look at the four new ones. I've included links so you can find your way to them quickly and easily for listening, and if you feel like it, purchasing!” - Seth August 9 –  Benderhof - Kaiserslautern, DE August 10 – Schokoladen…

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Stanley Brinks & Freschard – June and July Tour Dates 2022

Lion Heart by Stanley Brinks and Freschard Here are Stanley Brinks & Freschard's upcoming shows: All songs by Stanley Brinks and Freschard. Stanley Brinks: voice, guitars, piano, bass, cellino, violin, tenor banjo, timple, mandolin, clarinet, ocarina, knee harp, baglamas, drums (Me One Alone, Lazy Way, I'm Out). Freschard: voice, drums, maracas, cojones, zafzafa, xylophone, flute, rhythm guitar (Me One Alone, Lazy Way, I'm Out) Recorded in Berlin by Stanley Brinks and Freschard in October 2021. June 1st   KASSEL, Germany -  color Labor June 3rd   BÄRENBACH, Germany - Shorty's June 4th   LUTZWILLER, France  - Lutz Festival June 5th   MANNHEIM, Germany - Altes Volksbad June 7th   BERLIN, Germany - Alter Roter Löwe Rein…

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Iron Man Records Rehearsal Space and Recording Studio in Birmingham.

“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality” – The Cheshire Cat, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Iron Man Records provides a cultural outpost for Musicians, Writers, Performers and Travellers in the arts with a large purpose built Music Rehearsal Space and Recording Studio. The Record label seeks to encourage residents and travellers in the arts to gather, record and present their cultural insights and experiences. “The first step to controlling your world is to control your culture. To model and demonstrate the kind of world you demand to live in. To write the books. Make the music. Shoot the films. Paint the art.” Chuck Palahniuk Located outside the Clean…

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Building the Iron Man Records Rehearsal Space and Recording Studio

Iron Man Records provides a cultural outpost for Musicians, Writers, Performers and Travellers in the arts with a large purpose built Music Rehearsal Space and Recording Studio. The Record label seeks to encourage residents and travellers in the arts to gather, record and present their cultural insights and experiences. Located outside the Clean Air Zone, in Hockley, Birmingham, the rehearsal space and recording studio offers an Embassy for the Imagine Nation committed to inspiring and promoting Independent creativity. "We had to pull down our old rehearsal space and recording studio in September 2020. The landlord had sold the building. In May 2021 we found a new place. We decided to build…

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Musicians, Artists, Writers, Poets and Performers — Stay positive, keep going, and be prepared to fight where you stand.

“I am not what is called a civilized man, Professor. I have done with society for reasons that seem good to me. Therefore, I do not obey its laws.” — 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, Jules Verne “. . . there are periods of history when the visions of madmen and dope fiends are a better guide to reality than the common-sense interpretation of data available to the so-called normal mind. This is one such period, if you haven’t noticed already.” R.A.Wilson We have all fallen for it. We have taken the easy pleasures available through the consumption of popular culture. We have become docile and content, no matter how difficult…

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Embassy for the Imagine Nation – Iron Man Records Recording Studio and Music Rehearsal Space in Hockley, Birmingham.

Iron Man Records provides a cultural outpost for Musicians, Writers, Performers and Travellers in the arts with a large purpose built Music Rehearsal Space and Recording Studio. The Record label seeks to encourage residents and travellers in the arts to gather, record and present their cultural insights and experiences. Located outside the Clean Air Zone, in Hockley, Birmingham, the rehearsal space and recording studio offers an Embassy for the Imagine Nation committed to inspiring and promoting Independent creativity. The Music Rehearsal space operates by way of a shared online diary with 24hr access. The Rehearsal space has room for one or two more groups, and four or more people to join…

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Iron Man Records downloads will be available at NAME YOUR PRICE on BANDCAMP Friday 7th May

Today on BANDCAMP Friday May 7th  - All Iron Man Records downloads are again available at NAME YOUR PRICE. In other words, PAY THE ARTIST WHAT YOU LIKE. This means you can have any download you want in exchange for your email address at check out. If you have the means to do so, you can pay your own price. All Money will go direct to the artists. I'm still working through all accounts back as far as 2010 and sending 100% of net revenue to the artists. It's taking me time but I'm getting there slowly. So any money that goes through bandcamp will go directly to the Artists themselves…

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Iron Man Records downloads will be available at NAME YOUR PRICE on BANDCAMP Friday March 5th

This week, on BANDCAMP Friday which will be March 5th - All Iron Man Records downloads will be available at NAME YOUR PRICE. In other words, PAY THE ARTIST WHAT YOU LIKE. This means you can have any download you want in exchange for your email address at check out. If you have the means to do so, you can pay your own price. All Money will go to the artists. Death To Fanatics - Iron Man Records Compilation 1999-2021 by Iron Man Records Iron Man Records is giving Artists 100% of ALL their net revenue, dating back to when I set the bandcamp page up in 2010. Madness perhaps but…

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Wub Wainwright – Toutes Directions released on Iron Man Records 29th May 2020

IMB6051 Wub Wainwright – Toutes Directions – Digital Release (2020) All songs written, recorded and performed by W. Wainwright Recorded in Bristol 2013 Released on Iron Man Records 29th May 2020 The third of three more releases from Wub Wainwright. Hewn from the dark earth of the Black Mountains, Iron Man Records has managed to bring these archive recordings back into the light. Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind.

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Wub Wainwright – Those We Remembered released on Iron Man Records 23rd May 2020

IMB6050 Wub Wainwright – Those We Remembered – Digital Release (2020) Written, recorded and performed by W. Wainwright Recorded in Bristol 2012 Released on Iron Man Records 23rd May 2020 The Second of three more releases from Wub Wainwright. Hewn from the dark earth of the Black Mountains, Iron Man Records has managed to bring this archive recording back into the light. Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind.

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Wub Wainwright – Orcop Poor released on Iron Man Records 23rd May 2020

IMB6049 Wub Wainwright – Orcop Poor – Digital Release (2020) All songs written, recorded and performed by W. Wainwright Recorded in Herefordshire 2014 Released on Iron Man Records 23rd May 2020 The first of three more releases from Wub Wainwright. Hewn from the dark earth of the Black Mountains, Iron Man Records has managed to bring these archive recordings back into the light. Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind.

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Wub Wainwright – Pressed Flowers released on Iron Man Records

Wub  Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores  arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the  mind. All songs written and composed by W. Wainwright. Recorded by A.M.P in the Golden Valley, Herefordshire and various  locations in London during 2006-2007 by M. Kirkpatrick, J.C. Herbert,  and M. Song Produced and arranged by W. Wainwright, J.C. Herbert and M. Kirkpatrick. Guitar/Vocal – W. Wainwright Percussion – M. Song Saxophone – C. Richardson Violins – T. Andrei / A. Bowmer Double Bass – M. Fitzpatrick Flute – M. Kirkpatrick Field recording – J.C. Herbert Vocals – L. Austin / N. Chalkley Released on Iron Man Records 2020…

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Wub Wainwright – Haloes & Sundogs released on Iron Man Records

Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind. All songs written and composed by W. Wainwright Additional instrumentation: C. Richardson, J. Burton, J.C. Herbert, and M. Kirkpatrick Recorded by A.M.P at Goldsmiths, New Cross, London and Golden Valley, Herefordshire 2005-2006 Produced by J.C. Herbert, M. Kirkpatrick and W. Wainwright. Mixed and Mastered by M. Kirkpatrick Released on Iron Man Records 2020 IMB6045 Wub Wainwright – Haloes & Sundogs – Digital Release (2020) Iron Man Records seeks to provide a cultural outpost for musicians, writers and travellers in the arts. An Embassy for the Imagine Nation committed…

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