WHITE PANTHER: The Legacy of John Sinclair

WHITE PANTHER: The Legacy of John Sinclair - a short film by CHARLES SHAW featuring JOHN SINCLAIR music by THELONIUS MONK John Sinclair is best known as the Sixties "marijuana" activist who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for giving two joints to an undercover policewoman. he was eventually freed when John Lennon and Yoko Ono spoke out on his behalf Less understood is his role as the founder and chairman of the radical anti-war group, The White Panther Party, an offshoot of the Black Panthers. The Black Panther Party was a militant political organization formed after the brutal murders of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Robert Kennedy. The…

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"The End Point Of A Circle" Trailer for the Odyssey that is GIMPO’S M25 25hr Spin

Never get out of the van..... Since 1997, the M25 has been the subject, canvas and location of a unique and unfolding work of performance art. Gimpo, ex-roadie and factotum of Bill Drummond, has driven round the infamous London Orbital for 25 hours, once a year. He will continue to do so until 2021 on a 25 year mission of discovery. He calls it The M25 Spin. The End Point Of A Circle: Trailer from Rob Wickings on Vimeo. Documentarian Dominic Wade, who has already explored the world of extended filming with his raw and revealing film 24 Hours In London, has been given unprecedented access to Gimpo and his world…

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English Heretic: GIMPO’S M25 25 Hour Spin 23rd – 24th March 2013

Hello Dear Friends We so hope you can forgive us for neglecting you for so long. Due to a combination of commitments and personal circumstances we haven't had any opportunity to post our usual monthly updates. Top of the shop we need to thank everyone who contacted us in the last few weeks asking about the M25 Spin and we are pleased to welcome one and all at the weekend. Gimpo's M25 25 Hour Spin Starts: 12 noon Saturday 23rd March 2013 Ends: 1pm Sunday 24th March 2013 Venue: The M25 London Orbital Motorway If anyone would like to join us then please do come along. If you are coming along…

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Documentary: John Sinclair in New Orleans during Mardi Gras

"I always was involved into music. As a fan, composer, journalist, performer, photographer and now film maker....I was lucky to work with Blondie, David Bowie, Chris Wilson, Chris Blackwell and of course John Sinclair, (author, performer, beat-poet, DJ, founder of the White Panther Party, “Spirit” of the early MC5, ex-radical hippie saved from 10 years of prison by John Lennon....) John has been a major contributor to the Culture of New Orleans and one of its most enlighted experts....particularly found of the “Black culture” of New Orleans, so rich in extraordinary talents...John guided me through the back streets of New Orleans, so to encounter the Mardi Gras Indians...." Gilles Riberolles Click the…

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Tour Management, Vehicle & Driver Hire

In addition to running Iron Man Records, I work as a Tour Manager and help bands find just about everything else tour related. I can also find the best Vehicle for your tour and help keep you to your budget. (Splitter, Gear Van, Car, Minibus etc) Email or Call for more info: Mark: (+44) 07974 746810 I can be found frequently in or around Birmingham, Cardiff and London. I can help you find: Drivers, Vehicles, Merchandise, Production, Backline, Crew, Rehearsal, Recording, Press, Promotion, Online strategy. Driving /TM Services Most of my work is based around Tour Management in the Music Industry but I have also worked with the Theatre and Film…

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Legal Advice for Music, Film, Theatre and Television

Iron Man Records offers specialist legal advice to anyone involved in music through Kevan Tidy at Tidylaw. Before working with Iron Man records Kevan was a musician and a songwriter. He encountered the usual problems and attempted scams of the record industry and had to develop an interest and expertise in contracts and copyright. Kevan soon realised that the only lawyers dealing in this kind of law were mainly in London and very expensive. There was nothing for up and coming musicians. Kevan decided to qualify as a solicitor and try to help. Kevan has never turned anyone away on the grounds that they cannot afford it. This applies to anyone,…

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ALL AGENTS:Freak out the Normal Man,we want separation now!11 hours on the 11 Bus on the 11 of November

The number 11 is Europe’s longest urban bus route and first came into existence in 1923. It now follows the city’s outer ring road, the A4040 with some small deviations. A full circuit takes 3hrs to complete, and the service carries 50,000 passengers each day. There are 272 bus stops. 40 buses are used each day - 20 for the ‘A’ and 20 for the ‘C” On the eleventh of November our good friends at "Birmingham it's not shit" and a few others who can't be named here....are inviting anyone with an interest to spend eleven hours on the eleven bus starting at eleven am in “Birmingham: It’s Not Shit’s 11…

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