John Sinclair author, poet and activist John Sinclair (born October 2, 1941, in Flint, Michigan) mutated from small-town rock’n’roll fanatic and teenage disc jockey to cultural revolutionary, pioneer of marijuana activism, radical leader and political prisoner by the end of the 1960s. In 1966-67 the jazz poet, downbeat correspondent, founder of the Detroit Artists Workshop and underground journalist joined the front ranks of the hippie revolution, managing the “avant-rock” MC5 and organizing countless free concerts in the parks, White Panther rallies and radical benefits. Working closely with lead singer and songwriter Rob Tyner and the members of the band, Sinclair brought the MC5 to local fame, national attention and a contract…
iron man records
John Sinclair – Beatnik Youth CD
While many know John Sinclair as the White Panther firebrand who stoked the MC5’s insurrectionary manifesto, or drug bust victim released after John Lennon’s high-profile intercession, his roots stretch back to jazz and the beats, as writer, avant-garde champion and poet. Sinclair’s large legend allows him to travel the world, collaborating with like-minded souls; a living embodiment of the original free spirit that fought to emancipate a generation, one of the few left still flying the freak flag as high as he can hoist it. Since the early 90s, Sinclair has released albums of his poetry, but Beatnik Youth is the high-profile statement he’s been meant to make all his life.…
Last Under The Sun – Hooligan Jihad 5 song CD EP released 23rd November 2012
Last Under The Sun - Hooligan Jihad 5 song CD EP (Released through Iron Man Records, Birmingham 5th September 2012) The band has been described as "Fast Chaotic Hardcore Punk Rock" from Birmingham England. Last Under The Sun includes members of Police Bastard, Jilted Generation and Lokey. Review from Ryan's Gig Guide October 2012 Mark Badger - Vocals / Guitar Seano Porno - Vocals / Guitar Hassan Sabbah - Bass Vic Flange - Drums Recorded, Mixed, Produced and Mastered by Simon Reeves at Framework Recording Studios, Musoplex, Birmingham, England between July and August 2010 Samuel Fry Obituary Neil Farrington Obituary Free full download of tracks available here: Discography: "All Agents…
9 Questions answered by Mark at Iron Man Records, Birmingham, 2012.
How did Iron Man Records come about? I started buying records at an early age but soon found that record collecting was an expensive luxury and the only choice was what was stacked on the shelves or anything that hadnt already sold out. I spent time finding good second hand shops but again, the majority of records i found were old vinyl in poor condition or unwanted items and i could never find much I was interested in. I spent a lot of my time reading the music magazines for free in shops on saturday afternoons looking at the features and reviews but again there was never much i really found…
Last Under The Sun – Hooligan Jihad 5 song EP for review / airplay
The most recent release on Iron Man Records for immediate free download in full audio for review or airplay. Last Under The Sun - Hooligan Jihad 5 song EP (Released through Iron Man Records, Birmingham 2011) The band has been described as "Fast Chaotic Hardcore Punk Rock" from Birmingham England. Last Under The Sun includes members of Police Bastard, Selfless, Jilted Generation and Lokey. Free full download of all tracks available here: Simon Reeves - Bass Mark Badger - Vocals / Guitar Seano Porno - Vocals / Guitar Simon James - Drums Recorded, Mixed, Produced and Mastered by Simon Reeves at Framework Recording Studios, Musoplex, Birmingham, England between July and…
Last Under The Sun – Hooligan Jihad 5 song EP for review / airplay
The most recent release on Iron Man Records for immediate free download in full audio for review or airplay. Last Under The Sun - Hooligan Jihad 5 song EP (Released through Iron Man Records, Birmingham 2011) The band has been described as "Fast Chaotic Hardcore Punk Rock" from Birmingham England. Last Under The Sun includes members of Police Bastard, Selfless, Jilted Generation and Lokey. Free full download of all tracks available here: Simon Reeves - Bass Mark Badger - Vocals / Guitar Seano Porno - Vocals / Guitar Simon James - Drums Recorded, Mixed, Produced and Mastered by Simon Reeves at Framework Recording Studios, Musoplex, Birmingham, England between July and…
Legal Advice for Music, Film, Theatre and Television
Iron Man Records offers specialist legal advice to anyone involved in music through Kevan Tidy at Tidylaw. Before working with Iron Man records Kevan was a musician and a songwriter. He encountered the usual problems and attempted scams of the record industry and had to develop an interest and expertise in contracts and copyright. Kevan soon realised that the only lawyers dealing in this kind of law were mainly in London and very expensive. There was nothing for up and coming musicians. Kevan decided to qualify as a solicitor and try to help. Kevan has never turned anyone away on the grounds that they cannot afford it. This applies to anyone,…
How does Iron Man Records choose it's artists and how does it promote them?
“HOW DOES THE PUNK MUSIC RECORD LABEL, IRON MAN RECORDS CHOOSE ITS ARTISTS AND HOW DOES IT PROMOTE THEM?” writtten by JANINE LABUSCAGNE BA (HONS) Media & Communication, University of Central England, 2007. “.....There are two kinds of music – good music and bad music. Good music is music that I want to hear. Bad music that I don’t want to hear” Fran Lebowitz, Metropolitan Life, 1978 The objective of this study discusses promotional strategies generated by the independent record label, Iron Man Records. The research examined the use of the Internet as a free marketing tool and how traditional methods of running a label did not have an affect on…
Birmingham Twinned with Your Darkest Thought?
"Pop music (or what ever sub-genre title you feel comfortable using) should never be subsidised by the state. The Arts Council or similar bodies must never be allowed to get near it. If any particular form of pop music can not survive in the cut and thrust of the market place it should be allowed to whither and die. The same goes for all the rooms above pubs and dodgy clubs. If people don't want to pay the price for the ticket and would rather spend the night down the local Weatherspoons drinking cheap lager, so be it. Culture has to be on the move, in a state of continual flux…
Your Darkest Thought. State Funding and Music, You have been warned.
I was thinking about writing my own piece on this but then I found myself at The Adelphi in Hull with Dufus. After a long conversation with Paul, the owner of The Adelphi, who has proved a one man army behind the best gig in Hull for independent bands, I decided instead to quote you some words written by Bill Drummond as a contribution to "One Man and His Bog." The Photos are mine, the words are Bill's, The Adelphi is Paul's and the people who work there are some of the best you'll find. Oh Yeah, and public funding or state sponsorhip of the arts has had nothing to do…
Framework Studios
Framework Recording Studios Iron Man Records works with Framework studios, Birmingham. Based on Floodgate street, Digbeth, the studio is walking distance from the City Centre and it's easy to find. There's plenty of free parking outside. In the past Framework Studios has worked with Napalm Death, Carcass, Cathedral, Meathook Seed, P.J.Harvey, Ride, Family Cat and other acts including Harpies, Damn Dirty Apes, Last under The Sun, IOD, Godsize, Long Time Dead, Locus of Control, Piss On Authority, Police Bastard, Spirit Bomb and more. If you are after a top producer call Simon at Framework on: 07790 158210
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