Police Bastard – Confined (VINYL) is available from Iron Man Records now

Police Bastard - Confined (VINYL) has arrived after many months of waiting. A big Thank You to all of you who have pre-ordered the VINYL or have contributed as Iron Man Records Patrons. I would like to acknowledge the ongoing insanity of the following and their kind financial support for this madness: Suzy Tweddle, Deborah Ritchie, Scott Roe, Margaret Calleja, Thomas Rathgeber, Dan, Lee Parsfield, Chris Scales, Muir Mathewson, Michael Howe, Jonathan Harris, Dave Barnard, Bill Fadden, Mike Burgess, Joachim Palm, Lyle Bignon, Thomas Burke, Ben Cartlidge, Matt Grimes, Toby Conyers, Chris, Andy Cavendish, Steve Wyatt, Andrew Dubber, Frank Knoblich, Vaughan Roberts, Ian Robertson, Marcus H, Seth Faergolzia, Ricky Lee, Kathryn…

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Police Bastard – “It’s Good To Hate” CD distributed by Cargo

Police Bastard - "It's Good To HATE" distributed by Cargo - October 6th 2014 “Police Bastard – ‘It’s Good To Hate’ CD and DVD Four new tracks and one cover here and its typical Police Bastard…powerful, inspiring, hardcore punk with passionate vocals (incidentally, when did Stu-Pid grow up and come just plain ‘Pid’?!). If any changes are noticeable since their original incarnation, then it’s probably a bit more metal influenced, with the occasional guitar screech and more Doom-esque growls of anguish, but apart from that its good as ever and especially that ‘Pid’ is back on vocals. The cover is The Mob’s ‘I Wish’ which, after the gentle intro, gets the…

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Last Under The Sun – Hooligan Jihad 5 song CD EP released 23rd November 2012

Last Under The Sun - Hooligan Jihad 5 song CD EP (Released through Iron Man Records, Birmingham 5th September 2012) The band has been described as "Fast Chaotic Hardcore Punk Rock" from Birmingham England. Last Under The Sun includes members of Police Bastard, Jilted Generation and Lokey. Review from Ryan's Gig Guide October 2012 Mark Badger - Vocals / Guitar Seano Porno - Vocals / Guitar Hassan Sabbah - Bass Vic Flange - Drums Recorded, Mixed, Produced and Mastered by Simon Reeves at Framework Recording Studios, Musoplex, Birmingham, England between July and August 2010 Samuel Fry Obituary Neil Farrington Obituary Free full download of tracks available here: http://lastunderthesun.bandcamp.com/ Discography: "All Agents…

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Police Bastard – "It’s Good to Hate" CD (Iron Man Records) Released May 23rd 2010

Police Bastard - "It's Good To HATE" will be released through Birmingham's Iron Man Records, May 23rd 2010. The release contains a CD featuring four new songs and one cover version with an additional DVD containing live footage collected between 2007 and 2010. The record features the work of founding band members Pid and John Doom doing dual vocals together again for the first time in ten years. The gigs and recordings have also seen the return of Chris Crass, who took over on bass from Trogg in 1994. Seano Porno and Mark Badger from Last Under The Sun have picked up the work of guitars and additional vocals and the…

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