UPDATE: Project to Uncover Ancient Hill Figures on Wandlebury Hill, Cambridgeshire

Some things I get involved with make no sense to me at all. The Project to Uncover  Ancient Hill Figures is one of them. Flinton Chalk is a dangerous optimist and I find it hard to say no. Would you take instruction from a used car salesman? This is the man who got chased across Fyfield Down near Avebury by a spectral Black Dog and used to spend his spare time dressing up as a Transvestite Pirate Nun, driving around in an old police car which was used in one of the Superman films. You may also know him from recent outings as a member of the band Badger Kull. Let…

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TC Lethbridge in 2020 – Standing On The Verge Of Getting It On

Long, long ago in in the deep forgotten past, three musicians came together in an ancient landscape and made music that drifted away, seemingly lost for all time. This was in Wiltshire around 1992. Would you like a copy of this book to read? You have three options. 1. Become an Iron Man Records Patron and I will send you a copy as an instant reward. You can also request download codes for all three TC Lethbridge releases to date. 2. If you don't want to do the Patron thing, I will put a few copies for Sale at £23.00 each in the Iron Man Shop and also on Bandcamp when…

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Wub Wainwright – Toutes Directions released on Iron Man Records 29th May 2020

IMB6051 Wub Wainwright – Toutes Directions – Digital Release (2020) All songs written, recorded and performed by W. Wainwright Recorded in Bristol 2013 Released on Iron Man Records 29th May 2020 The third of three more releases from Wub Wainwright. Hewn from the dark earth of the Black Mountains, Iron Man Records has managed to bring these archive recordings back into the light. Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind.

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Wub Wainwright – Those We Remembered released on Iron Man Records 23rd May 2020

IMB6050 Wub Wainwright – Those We Remembered – Digital Release (2020) Written, recorded and performed by W. Wainwright Recorded in Bristol 2012 Released on Iron Man Records 23rd May 2020 The Second of three more releases from Wub Wainwright. Hewn from the dark earth of the Black Mountains, Iron Man Records has managed to bring this archive recording back into the light. Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind.

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Wub Wainwright – Orcop Poor released on Iron Man Records 23rd May 2020

IMB6049 Wub Wainwright – Orcop Poor – Digital Release (2020) All songs written, recorded and performed by W. Wainwright Recorded in Herefordshire 2014 Released on Iron Man Records 23rd May 2020 The first of three more releases from Wub Wainwright. Hewn from the dark earth of the Black Mountains, Iron Man Records has managed to bring these archive recordings back into the light. Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind.

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TC Lethbridge – Project to Uncover Ancient Hill Figures on Wandlebury Hill, Cambridgeshire

What’s the best thing you can do with £100? I think I’ve said this before, If you spend too much time in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction you might end up working with music. Living life in a completely deluded state, generating massive debt for no apparent reason can prove to be a nonsense. Sometimes I do things for money. Sometimes I do things for free, and sometimes I do things I don’t really understand. As the Cheshire Cat says “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” I like to take my nonsense seriously. You can be sitting…

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TC Lethbridge – 2000TC – Standing On The Verge Of Getting It On

Long, long ago in in the deep forgotten past, three musicians came together in an ancient landscape and made music that drifted away, seemingly lost for all time. This was in Wiltshire around 1992, to be more precise. The band was TC Lethbridge. It contained Doggen and Kev Bales from Spiritualized/Brain Donor and the artist Flinton Chalk. The band did not last long - they imploded before they had even played their first gig. But something happened to these musicians as they practiced, wrote and recorded in the Neolithic village of Avebury in the early nineties. They were marked by the experience. The album they were recording as they fell apart…

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TC Lethbridge – Neo-Psychedelic rock troupe missing for 23 years by Guy Hirst

Made up of two long standing members of space rock pioneers Spiritualized (Doggen, Bales) and named after the radical archaeologist turned occultist T.C. Lethbridge, the band return with three re-issues of their self-released albums recorded in the early nineties: Moon Equipped, Mina and 2000 TC – released November 23rd 2014 via Iron Man Records. T.C Lethbridge is Kevin Bales, Tony Doggen Foster and Flinton Chalk. The re-issues promoted their first public performance in 23 years last November at Liverpool’s Cosmic Trigger Festival, a theatrical production and continuation of the Illuminatus Trilogy - a satirical story of drugs, sex, magic and conspiracy theories – which was originally adapted to stage by legendary…

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The Story of TC Lethbridge – 2000 TC: Standing on the verge of getting it on by John Higgs

Automatic writing in the sacred landscape. Established 1991. TC Lethbridge - 2000 TC (Released by Iron Man Records - 23rd November 2014) If you spend too much time in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction you might end up running a record label. Living life in a completely deluded state, generating massive debt for no apparent reason can be difficult to keep going for more than 17 years at a time but, it seems by some terrible mistake I've made it look relatively easy. But anyway, enough of that, I want to explain something. I went to a meeting last year year, the back room…

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Sun Ra Memories by John Sinclair

My first real exposure to the music and legend of Sun Ra came in the fall of 1964, when drummer Roger Blank passed through Detroit with a jazz trio I can't remember the name of. We put him up for a few days in our stronghold at the Detroit Artists Workshop Cooperative Housing Project, and I watched Roger open his suitcase and pull out what were obviously his most prized possessions: two weird LPs on the El Saturn label with garish outer space art on the covers and names like Supersonic Jazz and Jazz in Silhouette. I had read about the avant-garde Chicago pianist and bandleader in downbeat and other jazz…

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The square root of the M25: Gimpo’s 25 Hour M25 Spin

A witness statement from Iron Man Records 2014. I didn't get much sleep the night before, I had been working on the release of the new John Sinclair record "Mohawk." By the time I climbed into the car and started the engine it was 10am. I drove to London and dropped the car in Brentford, West London. I picked up the keys. I had a 9 seater VW Splitter van on hire from DYC Touring and headed to Shepherd's Bush. I wasn't due to meet the band until 3pm so I had a bit of time to park up and make phone calls. If I was applying for a job I'd…

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TC Lethbridge – 2000 TC Standing on the verge of getting it on by John Higgs

Automatic writing in the sacred landscape. Established 1991. TC Lethbridge - 2000 TC (Released by Iron Man Records - 23rd November 2014) If you spend too much time in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction you might end up running a record label. Living life in a completely deluded state, generating massive debt for no apparent reason can be difficult to keep going for more than 17 years at a time but, it seems by some terrible mistake I've made it look relatively easy. But anyway, enough of that, I want to explain something in the hope that you might understand it better than me.…

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TC Lethbridge

TC Lethbridge are Doggen, Kev Bales and Flinton Chalk. Automatic writing in the sacred landscape. Established 1991. T.C. Lethbridge - Band photo. Daniel James, Kev Bales, Tony Doggen Foster, Flinton Chalk at John Stewart Hall, Yatesbury, Wessex, where most of the tracks for Mina and 2000TC were recorded. Flint had a tape with him, rough mixes of 2000TC songs recorded in Avebury which he pulled out of a box of cassettes under the stairs. I was keen to hear it. I was a big fan of the Mina instrumentals. I don’t know what I had been expecting, but it wasn’t the overwhelming sense of purpose that burst out of the speakers.…

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The Full Cosmic Trigger Experience 22nd/23rd November 2014

The Full Cosmic Trigger Experience Find The Others Conferestival If you are interested in finding out more about Robert Anton Wilson, The writing (and living) of Illuminatus, the cult novel which launched a million conspiracy-freaks; Stumbling, via LSD and Aleister Crowley onto a 6500-year-old conversation with the planet Sirius; Dreaming up the formula, with Timothy Leary, of positive human evolution; Co-conspiring to create the Discordian religion, which worships Eris, the Goddess of Chaos and Confusion; Tantric sex, musical sing-alongs and mass initiations; Bob’s fellow Discordian being accused of being “the second Oswald” in JFK’s assassination; Mind-blowing visual effects, extraordinary musical soundscapes, and proper “Ken Campbell style” acting; The journey through Chapel…

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