High Priest of Church of Burn MBG (aka Jonathan Harris) – a money burner for 15 years – and the first Iron Man Records Patron…..gives you 15 reasons why burning money is a good thing and tells you how the world would be a better place if we all burned some money every once in a while.
Jon has supported Iron Man Records for many years and was the first to sign up as a Patron. Not just anyone supports Iron Man Records and wants the music to be heard.
Thank you for your support and give Jon’s Video a watch. Jon and I have worked together on many things and this sets out where we both are coming from with regards to money.
Still mad about this? Still think it’s wrong?
Here’s a question for you… Is your anger caused by your compassion for those in need, or is it caused by your love of money? Because if it really is the former – if you are cross with us because there are literally people starving to death through lack of money – then ask yourself why you don’t feel the same about all non-essential spending. Most especially your own.
Check out the crowdfund for the next event: https://igg.me/at/churchofburn