"Pop music (or what ever sub-genre title you feel comfortable using) should never be subsidised by the state. The Arts Council or similar bodies must never be allowed to get near it. If any particular form of pop music can not survive in the cut and thrust of the market place it should be allowed to whither and die. The same goes for all the rooms above pubs and dodgy clubs. If people don't want to pay the price for the ticket and would rather spend the night down the local Weatherspoons drinking cheap lager, so be it. Culture has to be on the move, in a state of continual flux…
ALL AGENTS:Freak out the Normal Man,we want separation now!11 hours on the 11 Bus on the 11 of November
The number 11 is Europe’s longest urban bus route and first came into existence in 1923. It now follows the city’s outer ring road, the A4040 with some small deviations. A full circuit takes 3hrs to complete, and the service carries 50,000 passengers each day. There are 272 bus stops. 40 buses are used each day - 20 for the ‘A’ and 20 for the ‘C” On the eleventh of November our good friends at "Birmingham it's not shit" and a few others who can't be named here....are inviting anyone with an interest to spend eleven hours on the eleven bus starting at eleven am in “Birmingham: It’s Not Shit’s 11…
Your Darkest Thought. State Funding and Music, You have been warned.
I was thinking about writing my own piece on this but then I found myself at The Adelphi in Hull with Dufus. After a long conversation with Paul, the owner of The Adelphi, who has proved a one man army behind the best gig in Hull for independent bands, I decided instead to quote you some words written by Bill Drummond as a contribution to "One Man and His Bog." The Photos are mine, the words are Bill's, The Adelphi is Paul's and the people who work there are some of the best you'll find. Oh Yeah, and public funding or state sponsorhip of the arts has had nothing to do…
Framework Studios
Framework Recording Studios Iron Man Records works with Framework studios, Birmingham. Based on Floodgate street, Digbeth, the studio is walking distance from the City Centre and it's easy to find. There's plenty of free parking outside. In the past Framework Studios has worked with Napalm Death, Carcass, Cathedral, Meathook Seed, P.J.Harvey, Ride, Family Cat and other acts including Harpies, Damn Dirty Apes, Last under The Sun, IOD, Godsize, Long Time Dead, Locus of Control, Piss On Authority, Police Bastard, Spirit Bomb and more. If you are after a top producer call Simon at Framework on: 07790 158210
Inside Out
I can make shopping malls disappear all The paving slabs and concrete I can pull up with my bare hands Can your hear the rail lines sing? The odds are always stacked against us But theres something inside Where against them you can use it Where against them you can I open gates and sliding doors I take the wires from their heads I can freeze the rotarblades And I can bring the missing home The odds are always stacked against us But theres something inside Where against them you can use it Where against them you can I can pull the aircraft from their skies roll…
Captain Of My Soul
I am the Captain of my Soul I am the Master of my fate And I’m coming Home I’m Coming Home I’m Coming Home I’m Coming Home Words by Mark from Last Under The Sun - Gone CD
Am I wasting my life Have I come this far I know they’re waiting Am I wasting all this time Are you wasting life Are you filling in They’ll keep you waiting They’ll keep you waiting They’ll keep you buying all your time , your time They’ll keep you waiting When I turn the last light out A thousand staring eyes Open up Am I wasting my life Am I filling in Walking up their hill backwards Backwards Walking up their hill backwards They’ll keep you buying all your time They’ll keep you buying all your time They’ll keep you wasting all your life They’ll keep you filling…
David Icke
Bloodsucking Reptillian Aliens Arghh Arghh Words by Mark from Last Under The Sun - Gone CD
Colin Blakemore
Die Words by Mark from Last Under The Sun - Gone CD
Count To Ten
Our work is never done The dead are home before us Don’t you tell me its just a job All this killing make it stop The killing In the name of science Make it stop In the time it takes to count to ten Another one has gone Who will stop them in their tracks Who will bring the missing back The killing In the name of science Make it stop In the time it takes To count to ten Make it stop Words by Mark from Last Under The Sun - Gone CD
No One
I am no one From no one’s Nation I have no name And no possessions No One I am no one From no religion A freedom fighter Nine unknown faces No One If you’re asking You’ll never know I am no one I am no one A black eyed madman A faceless captain Of all lost causes No One If You’re asking You’ll never know I am no one A faceless captain Of all lost causes I am no one From no one’s Nation I am no one From no one’s Nation Words by Mark from Last Under The Sun…
Out My Way
Out My Way Out My Way Out My Way Out My Way Words by Mark from Last Under The Sun - Gone CD
The Trolley Song
Sorry I’m late, I had trouble getting here Met a man, yes another strange one I was standing, looking up at the thunderclouds said he was, the man who keeps the sky What kind of people are these? Who put value more on property than people Who put their wealth before their wisdom Who fill the air with dust and all these poisons I can carry, the sound with my bare hands Of the ships bells passing in the night I tend to the roofgardens of the world Rest your tears, let me show you how to Make it rain Make it rain The path of life is…
Lost Yourself
Today I sat and glued the pieces of my life And looking up all I saw were the fragments of my mind Looking out across this pale and shattered land This land of flags and lines and ways to divide a broken people Broken people It seems to me its all beyond our dreams It seems to me its all beyond our reach How can we resist the dream they push on us How can we resist when we’ve even lost ourselves We’ve even lost ourselves We’ve even lost ourselves We’ve even lost ourselves Words by Mark from Last Under The Sun – Gone CD
The Shed
Standing at the window Hands pressed against the glass Over the garden fence I see it The neighbours shed I’m getting in the shed Draw my pictures write my words Peace at last from a troubled world I’m getting in the shed Words by Mark from Last Under The Sun – Gone CD
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