Burn Money – Become A Patron of Iron Man Records

Iron Man Records wants to make all new record releases available on Vinyl. 23 Patrons currently support the record label. You are invited to become a Patron to ensure the insanity continues. The journey from 1996, when Iron Man Records began, has been back-breaking. The record label has generated a mountain of debt and a serious Class "A" drug habit would have probably worked out a lot cheaper. Everything I earn, working as a Tour Manager, goes into keeping Iron Man Records moving and your support would be much appreciated at a critical time. Iron Man Records continues to release records by some of the most interesting and talented artists, writers,…

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John Sinclair – It’s All Good: A John Sinclair Reader

It's All Good: A John Sinclair Reader Writer/Poet John Sinclair takes readers on a journey through time through music lyrics, poetry and stories from songwriters themselves. It's All Good features stories of tragedy and triumph, musical and poetic inspiration that takes readers on a trip through the Wonder Years. John Sinclair has been many things to many people—founder of the Detroit Artists Workshop and the White Panther Party, manager of the storied MC-5, producer of the legendary Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festivals and of records by artists from Deacon John to Sun Ra, political prisoner and implacable opponent of the marijuana laws since 1965, popular radio broadcaster at WDET and…

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John Sinclair – Tour Dates New Orleans 2016

Fri. Feb. 12    7:30 p.m.     Piano Poetry Paint @ Frenchy Gallery (8314 Oak St.) with Tom Worrell, Lionel Batiste & Frenchy Sat. Feb 13         3 p.m.     Louisiana Music Factory with the Carlo Ditta Trio (421 Frenchmen St.) Mon. Feb 15      7 p.m.       Reading from "IT'S ALL GOOD" at Frenchy Gallery Tue. Feb 16       7 p.m.       Reading from "IT'S ALL GOOD" at Frenchy Gallery Wed. Feb 17      7 p.m.       Reading from "IT'S ALL GOOD" at Frenchy Gallery Thu. Feb 18       7 p.m.       Reading from "IT'S ALL GOOD" at Frenchy Gallery Fri. Feb 19      …

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Your Insanity Will Do – Become A Patron Of Iron Man Records

I bought a copy of “The Manual” by Jimmy Cauty and Bill Drummond in 1996. I'd been looking for a copy for years. Some of it made sense, some of it didn't. I liked the writing style and the advice given. I sent my receipt as proof of purchase to the PO BOX printed in the book and requested The Guarantee. This is the reply that Bill Drummond sent back on headed paper. By reply Bill Drummond became the first Unaware Patron of Iron Man Records. Blame him for everything. A lot has happened since 1996. Your Insanity will do. Your Insanity could help Iron Man Records to release more music…

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Seth Faergolzia – Multibird

Here's a message from Seth Faergolzia of Dufus: "Hoping all is well with you... I'm super excited to announce that I'll be touring the UK this summer with my stellar 4 piece band, Seth Faergolzia's Multibird.  The last couple of tours I've done in the UK have been just solo or with a duo supporting Jeffrey Lewis, so I'm really pumped up about coming over with a solid band.  We will have drums, bass, electric guitar and myself as usual on acoustic guitar and vocals.  We are planning on coming to the UK July 11-20 and would really love to book something with you.  Any info you'd need regarding my music…

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Become A Patron of Iron Man Records

Support Iron Man Records creating Record Releases on Vinyl. As a Patron we invite you to be the first to hear new releases and you will be sent special updates and news. You will have unlimited access to the Iron Man Records Sound Cloud account and you will be able to choose any T-shirt, CD, or vinyl of your choice from the Iron Man Shop. WAV files of all new releases will be sent out using a file transfer service. Stickers, artwork and any other limited items of interest will be offered to you first as they become available. You will also get free tickets to special events. You may also…

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Iron Man Records would like to release more music on Vinyl. You are invited to get Involved.

I want to invite you to support Iron Man Records releasing more music on Vinyl via Patreon. A small donation of something like $1 a month could help Iron Man Records release some of the recent CD and Digital releases on Vinyl. Here is a list of recent releases that could be made available on Vinyl with your help: IMB6020 POLICE BASTARD – Dead To The World – Digital Release (23rd November 2015) IMB6021 POLICE BASTARD – Confined CD / Digital 2013 IMB6022 JOHN SINCLAIR – Mohawk CD / Digital 2014 IMB6023 DEATH TO FANATICS – Iron Man Records 1999-2014 compilation CD 2014 IMB6027 T.C. Lethbridge – Moon Equipped – Digital…

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A small donation could help Iron Man Records to release more music on Vinyl

I want to invite you to support Iron Man Records releasing more music on Vinyl via Patreon. I have been running Iron Man Records since 1996. I have never earnt anything, of any significance, from the work I have done so far, and neither have the bands. In fact the debts are what the label’s worth. It has been a true labour of love, and I like to think the music has made a lot of people happy. The label has released over 30 records by some fantastic bands and artists and continues to work hard on a daily basis. Iron Man Records wants to make all new releases from the…

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Independent Record Labels of the Internet Era by Kristian Evans

Few people ask me questions these days. I'm probably deluded thinking anyone would actually want to know what I do for a living, and if I told them honestly they would probably think I'm mad. In truth, I like to be left to get on in peace so I don't really care. I think the last time I faced 20 questions was a round of "German Traffic Police Roadside Mastermind," but that's another story. A few months ago, I spent some time on Skype talking to Kristian Evans and answered as many questions as I could, probably more than 20, on the subject of Independent Record Labels in the age of…

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Police Bastard – Dead To The World – Digital Release (23rd November 2015)

IMB6020 POLICE BASTARD - Dead To The World Digital Release on Iron Man Records, 23rd November, 2015 (Available to pre-order with 6 advance tracks from 23rd September 2015) Tracklisting: 1 Thug Nation 2 Mental Slave 3 Sweatin' Green 4 Mandatory Suicide 5 Death To The Unbelievers 6 Powerless 7 No Security 8 Enslaved 9 Second Skin 10 A Lesson In Human Control 11 Gulf War Syndrome 12 I Crush Worlds 13 Death Of Meaning 14 Dead To The World 15 Second Skin (Remix) 16 Relationshit Members of Police Bastard on these recordings:
 John - Guitar/Vocals Pid - Vocals on tracks 9 to 12 Dan - Guitar Dee - Bass Clive -…

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Flinton Chalk – 111hz Cairn T Soundtrack

WARNING! THIS TRACK CONTAINS 111 HERTZ WHICH MAY INDUCE A STATE OF TRANCE PLEASE LISTEN RESPONSIBLY. The soundtrack to the Cairn T film and art installation composed and produced by Flinton Chalk (also of the band TC Lethbridge), performed by The Barrittones choir in the prehistoric chamber of Cairn T, Loughcrew, County Meath, Ireland. 111 Hertz is the average resonant frequency of the Neolithic monuments archaeoacoustically tested by Cambridge University. Medical pilot trials to date have established that this frequency increases activity in the right prefrontal cortex of the human brain whist reducing activity in the left prefrontal cortex. In 1996, Cambridge University and Princeton University USA published the results of…

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Iron Man Records – a Birmingham based Independent Record Label

Iron Man Records is a Birmingham based independent record label, founded in 1996. The label has released recordings by: P.A.I.N, Police Bastard, John Sinclair, Nightingales, Steve Fly, TC Lethbridge, Dufus, Sensa Yuma, and Last Under The Sun, amongst others. “Music has no flag, no government, no police. Nobody owns it, nobody controls it. Music crosses all borders of geography, language, culture and belief. Music brings people together.....” - Reasons Why Iron Man Records is run by a Music Promoter and Tour Manager - Mark Badger and a Script writer and Lawyer with a music background - Kevan Tidy. Mark Badger founded Birmingham Music Network, in 2000.  Since 1994, Mark has organised…

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If it’s not impossible, it’s not worth doing…..Find the others. Go to The Adelphi.

Adelphi is a Greek word meaning "brothers" (a + delphi, literally "of the same womb") Many thoughts pass through your mind when you do enough driving, few of them make any sense. I take a lot of bands to a lot of gigs, it's what I do for money these days. Sometimes it can be hard not to pull the van over, drag everyone out on the motorway hard shoulder and tell them to "Stop living out of the asshole of your belief system and kick out the jams motherfucker!" In other words, shut up and play the music, or stop blaming everyone else and learn to get on with it.…

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Free The Weed 52 by John Sinclair

Highest greetings from Amsterdam, where I’ve just returned for the summer until it’s time to come back to Michigan in August for the Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup festivities in Clio and around the Flint area. As a native of Flint I take great pride in the long strides made there by the medical marijuana community to establish itself and secure its existence under the law, and in the citizens of the city itself for voting to enjoy legalized recreational marijuana in their community. When I smoked my first joint in Flint sometime in 1961, I could barely comprehend that weed was illegal. It seemed like such a good thing—how could anyone…

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