Redshift – Discography 1997 – 2001

It can take 20 years to hear the scream..... Discography 1997 - 2001 by Redshift After a period of exactly 20 years from 2001 to the release date of August 23rd 2021, Iron Man Records is pleased to announce: Redshift - Discography 1997 - 2001. A collection of 24 Songs across 4 releases that have been lost until now. This collection of Redshift recordings represent many years of searching, emails to nowhere, and phonecalls to dead numbers. Iron Man Records has worked hard to bring these lost recordings down safely from the mountain of madness. The Discography comprises all the salvagable Redshift recordings to date. Redshift played the Old Railway in…

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Wub Wainwright – Toutes Directions released on Iron Man Records 29th May 2020

IMB6051 Wub Wainwright – Toutes Directions – Digital Release (2020) All songs written, recorded and performed by W. Wainwright Recorded in Bristol 2013 Released on Iron Man Records 29th May 2020 The third of three more releases from Wub Wainwright. Hewn from the dark earth of the Black Mountains, Iron Man Records has managed to bring these archive recordings back into the light. Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind.

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Wub Wainwright – Those We Remembered released on Iron Man Records 23rd May 2020

IMB6050 Wub Wainwright – Those We Remembered – Digital Release (2020) Written, recorded and performed by W. Wainwright Recorded in Bristol 2012 Released on Iron Man Records 23rd May 2020 The Second of three more releases from Wub Wainwright. Hewn from the dark earth of the Black Mountains, Iron Man Records has managed to bring this archive recording back into the light. Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind.

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Wub Wainwright – Orcop Poor released on Iron Man Records 23rd May 2020

IMB6049 Wub Wainwright – Orcop Poor – Digital Release (2020) All songs written, recorded and performed by W. Wainwright Recorded in Herefordshire 2014 Released on Iron Man Records 23rd May 2020 The first of three more releases from Wub Wainwright. Hewn from the dark earth of the Black Mountains, Iron Man Records has managed to bring these archive recordings back into the light. Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind.

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Wub Wainwright – Pressed Flowers released on Iron Man Records

Wub  Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores  arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the  mind. All songs written and composed by W. Wainwright. Recorded by A.M.P in the Golden Valley, Herefordshire and various  locations in London during 2006-2007 by M. Kirkpatrick, J.C. Herbert,  and M. Song Produced and arranged by W. Wainwright, J.C. Herbert and M. Kirkpatrick. Guitar/Vocal – W. Wainwright Percussion – M. Song Saxophone – C. Richardson Violins – T. Andrei / A. Bowmer Double Bass – M. Fitzpatrick Flute – M. Kirkpatrick Field recording – J.C. Herbert Vocals – L. Austin / N. Chalkley Released on Iron Man Records 2020…

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Wub Wainwright – Haloes & Sundogs released on Iron Man Records

Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind. All songs written and composed by W. Wainwright Additional instrumentation: C. Richardson, J. Burton, J.C. Herbert, and M. Kirkpatrick Recorded by A.M.P at Goldsmiths, New Cross, London and Golden Valley, Herefordshire 2005-2006 Produced by J.C. Herbert, M. Kirkpatrick and W. Wainwright. Mixed and Mastered by M. Kirkpatrick Released on Iron Man Records 2020 IMB6045 Wub Wainwright – Haloes & Sundogs – Digital Release (2020) Iron Man Records seeks to provide a cultural outpost for musicians, writers and travellers in the arts. An Embassy for the Imagine Nation committed…

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Wub Wainwright – The Creatures With Beautiful Eyes released on Iron Man Records

Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind. All songs and lyrics written and performed by W. Wainwright. Documented by C. Norris and W. Wainwright in a cellar in Herefordshire on reel to reel tape on Tuesdays and Thursdays 2004 – 2005 Released by Iron Man Records 2020 IMB6044 Wub Wainwright – The Creatures With Beautiful Eyes – Digital Release (2020) Iron Man Records seeks to provide a cultural outpost for musicians, writers and travellers in the arts. An Embassy for the Imagine Nation committed to inspiring and promoting Independent creativity. The Record label seeks to…

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Wub Wainwright – Facing The North Star released on Iron Man Records

Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind. All songs written, composed and performed by W. Wainwright. Recorded live at City University Studio, Angel, London on 27 June 2013. Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Rick Campion, Mikey Kirkpatrick and Winther Robinson Guitar / Vocals – W. Wainwright Flute – M. Kirkpatrick IMB6048 Wub Wainwright – Facing The North Star – Digital Release (Iron Man Records 2020) Iron Man Records seeks to provide a cultural outpost for musicians, writers and travellers in the arts. An Embassy for the Imagine Nation committed to inspiring and promoting Independent creativity.…

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Wub Wainwright – The Book of Buried Wings released on Iron Man Records

Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind. All songs written and composed by W. Wainwright Recorded by A.M.P, Golden Valley, Herefordshire 2009-2010 Produced and arranged by W. Wainwright, J.C. Herbert and M. Kirkpatrick. W. Wainwright – Vocal / Guitar / Prepared Guitar / Bass / Percussion J.C. Herbert – Field Recordings M. Kirkpatrick – Piano IMB6047 Wub Wainwright – The Book of Buried Wings – Digital Release (Iron Man Records 2020) Iron Man Records seeks to provide a cultural outpost for musicians, writers and travellers in the arts. An Embassy for the Imagine Nation committed…

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Whoever controls the internet servers, controls the intellectual record of humankind

"He who controls the present, controls the past" - George Orwell. Whoever controls the internet servers, controls the intellectual record of humankind. And by controlling the intellectual record of humankind, you control our perceptions of who we are. When all music is digital, all independence will cease. Iron Man Records would like to release all new records on Vinyl and you can help make something happen. You are invited to become a Patron. "When All Music is Digital, All Independence ceases." Iron Man Records is an independent record label, that began in 1996. To release Vinyl at an affordable price, and maintain it's independence, Iron Man Records needs your help. Iron…

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Wub Wainwright – Lights Of The Lost released 28th September 2018 on Iron Man Records

IMB6042 Wub Wainwright - Lights Of The Lost Digital Release 28th September 2018 on Iron Man Records Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind. 1. The Innkeeper 2. A Toast To Letting Go 3. Cast 4. Facing The North Star 5. Kinsmen 6. Mayday 7. Mountain Song 8. October 9. John Bayley All instruments/voice - W.W Documented by W.W deep in the Black Mountains, Mid Wales during Winter 2016. Mixed/Mastered by Mikey Kirkpatrick and W.W Photography by Elspeth Annie Macrae. For all Bookings and Press enquiries email: [email protected] If you would like to see this…

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