Wub Wainwright – Pressed Flowers released on Iron Man Records

Wub  Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores  arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the  mind. All songs written and composed by W. Wainwright. Recorded by A.M.P in the Golden Valley, Herefordshire and various  locations in London during 2006-2007 by M. Kirkpatrick, J.C. Herbert,  and M. Song Produced and arranged by W. Wainwright, J.C. Herbert and M. Kirkpatrick. Guitar/Vocal – W. Wainwright Percussion – M. Song Saxophone – C. Richardson Violins – T. Andrei / A. Bowmer Double Bass – M. Fitzpatrick Flute – M. Kirkpatrick Field recording – J.C. Herbert Vocals – L. Austin / N. Chalkley Released on Iron Man Records 2020…

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Wub Wainwright – Haloes & Sundogs released on Iron Man Records

Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind. All songs written and composed by W. Wainwright Additional instrumentation: C. Richardson, J. Burton, J.C. Herbert, and M. Kirkpatrick Recorded by A.M.P at Goldsmiths, New Cross, London and Golden Valley, Herefordshire 2005-2006 Produced by J.C. Herbert, M. Kirkpatrick and W. Wainwright. Mixed and Mastered by M. Kirkpatrick Released on Iron Man Records 2020 IMB6045 Wub Wainwright – Haloes & Sundogs – Digital Release (2020) Iron Man Records seeks to provide a cultural outpost for musicians, writers and travellers in the arts. An Embassy for the Imagine Nation committed…

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Wub Wainwright – The Creatures With Beautiful Eyes released on Iron Man Records

Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind. All songs and lyrics written and performed by W. Wainwright. Documented by C. Norris and W. Wainwright in a cellar in Herefordshire on reel to reel tape on Tuesdays and Thursdays 2004 – 2005 Released by Iron Man Records 2020 IMB6044 Wub Wainwright – The Creatures With Beautiful Eyes – Digital Release (2020) Iron Man Records seeks to provide a cultural outpost for musicians, writers and travellers in the arts. An Embassy for the Imagine Nation committed to inspiring and promoting Independent creativity. The Record label seeks to…

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Steve Fly – 2020: Squintin Quarantino (Free PDF Copy)

2020: SQUINTIN QUARANTINO by Steven James Pratt a.k.a Steve Fly Steve Fly is a native of Stourbridge UK, now an Amsterdam resident who plays drums, spins vinyl, writes novels and literary and cultural commentary, maintains a flock of websites and works in various other art forms without visible restraint. Iron Man Records is pleased to be able to offer a free copy of Steve Fly's latest work, just click the link above. Steve Fly says of his book "One of my new year's resolutions for 2020 was to communicate on social media using a limited amount of syllables. I planned to write one or more haiku-like poems each day and condense…

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RETROPOPIC 435 – Poet John Sinclair Talks: Freed By A John Lennon Song & Other Life Stories

Alongside the music of Gil Scott Heron, MC5, John Lennon, Charlie Parker, The Clovers & John's own words set to music, in this 59 minute podcast The Saint of RETROPOPIC RADIO talks with the legendary poet John Sinclair. How does John remember his childhood? Why did he move to Detroit? What was so different about the music of MC5? How did he receive a prison sentence for possessing dope? What were the circumstances that lead to John Lennon campaigning for his freedom? How does he regard the 'John Sinclair' song that appeared on Lennon's album 'Sometime In New York City'? What relationship did he have with Lennon after his release? Why…

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Wub Wainwright – Facing The North Star released on Iron Man Records

Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind. All songs written, composed and performed by W. Wainwright. Recorded live at City University Studio, Angel, London on 27 June 2013. Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Rick Campion, Mikey Kirkpatrick and Winther Robinson Guitar / Vocals – W. Wainwright Flute – M. Kirkpatrick IMB6048 Wub Wainwright – Facing The North Star – Digital Release (Iron Man Records 2020) Iron Man Records seeks to provide a cultural outpost for musicians, writers and travellers in the arts. An Embassy for the Imagine Nation committed to inspiring and promoting Independent creativity.…

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Wub Wainwright – The Book of Buried Wings released on Iron Man Records

Wub Wainwright is a composer, songwriter and lyricist. His music explores arcane, rural and dark earth experiences, both inside and outside the mind. All songs written and composed by W. Wainwright Recorded by A.M.P, Golden Valley, Herefordshire 2009-2010 Produced and arranged by W. Wainwright, J.C. Herbert and M. Kirkpatrick. W. Wainwright – Vocal / Guitar / Prepared Guitar / Bass / Percussion J.C. Herbert – Field Recordings M. Kirkpatrick – Piano IMB6047 Wub Wainwright – The Book of Buried Wings – Digital Release (Iron Man Records 2020) Iron Man Records seeks to provide a cultural outpost for musicians, writers and travellers in the arts. An Embassy for the Imagine Nation committed…

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John Murry – Monday 3rd February 2020 at The Slaughtered Lamb, London. Doors 7pm, Music from 7.30pm

John Murry was adopted at birth into the family of William Faulkner. Some have speculated that the Faulkner blood might also run in his veins, but that should be left for a Southern Gothic novel yet to be written (or perhaps re-written). Raised in Tupelo, Mississippi, in the shadow of Elvis, his undiagnosed autism led to troubles at an early age that led to prescribed medication, which led to un-prescribed medication, which led to being institutionalised for addiction and mental health issues at a too young age. Eventually, discarded onto the streets of Memphis, he found music, which became the one constant positive force in his life. Memphis led to San…

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Iron Man Records – 500ml Double Walled Stainless Steel Water Bottle

If the UK switched to using reusable water bottles, in one year it would save enough plastic to reach to the moon and back. A report from the Environmental Audit Committee shows that the UK uses 13 billion single use plastic bottles each year, making a reusable and durable water bottle a simple but effective way to cut down on plastic. In the UK, it’s estimated that 38.5 million plastic bottles are used every day, yet 15 million of these are not recycled. More and more of us are turning to reusable water bottles, and you can too. In the spirit of trying to reduce consumption of single use plastic bottles,…

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An Embassy for the Imagine Nation committed to inspiring and promoting Independent creativity.

 Iron Man Records seeks to provide a cultural outpost for musicians, writers and travellers in the arts. An Embassy for the Imagine Nation committed to inspiring and promoting Independent creativity. The Record label seeks to encourage residents and travellers in the arts to gather, record and present their cultural insights and experiences. Iron Man Records relies on your support, and in turn works hard to earn and keep your trust through the care taken in spending funds on production, manufacture, distribution, marketing, and promotion of new music on Vinyl. Record releases and the campaigns that accompany them cost money and we won’t accept donations from governments, companies, local councils, Arts…

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Nightingales – Four Against Fate UK Tour 2020

Nightingales - Four Against Fate UK Tour 2020 with special guests: Pete Astor (The Loft, Weather Prophets) & Kamura Obscura (Frank Chickens, Mizutama Shobodan) 2020 is due to be an exciting year for The Nightingales – The recently completed new album is to be isused in April, Fire Films will be releasing a documentary feature film written by Stewart Lee and directed by Michael Cumming, the series of reissues (Starting with the expanded 2xLP version of ‘No Love Lost’ in November 2019) will continue, the band guest on a new record by a ‘70s glam pop star & they will be hitting the road, starting in the UK in the Spring.…

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Dead Wax Digbeth, 28 Adderley St, Digbeth, Birmingham, B9 4ED. New Birmingham venue and ‘vinyl bar’ opens

“. . . an optimistic mind-set finds dozens of possible solutions for every problem that the pessimist regards as incurable.” – Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati - 45 Birmingham and Midlands artists and DJs launch Dead Wax Digbeth from Thursday 28th November - Venue will be home to a collection of 4000 records, operating an ‘all vinyl, all the time’ policy - Music fans invited to play the venue’s records or bring own vinyl to play at city’s newest music destination - Craft beers from Beavertown, Laine Brew Co. and local breweries on offer all year round Dead Wax Digbeth 28 Adderley St, Digbeth, Birmingham…

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Church of Burn – Put your money where your mind is – Sunday 8th Dec 2019 – Annual Ritual Mass Money Burn Event

Produced and presented by MBG and Church of the Cosmic Burn in collaboration with The Cockpit and Iron Man Records. Church of Burn at the Cockpit is the largest annual Ritual Mass Money Burn Event in the world. In human history, Ritual Sacrifice has been pivotal in the ordering of economic relations and served to create civilisation, itself. We have forgotten this. "Money gains strength through our obedience. The more we let ourselves be governed by money, the more power we grant it and the more the vulnerable suffer." The Church of Burn redefines money and recasts our relationship with it. In Ritual it becomes a powerful sacrament - perhaps the most…

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Natacha Atlas on Sputnik E305 & George Galloway – The Mother Of All Talkshows – Episode 21

Watch Natacha Atlas talking to Adam Garrie and Gayatri Galloway on Sputnik 305 - Never-ending conflict and fusion music (E305) — RT Sputnik https://buff.ly/36VvYW3 (Natacha Atlas begins around 12 minutes in)  The Middle East continues to burn with the kindling of further conflict transpiring in Iraq, Syria and Libya. It seems like a never-ending war of occupation and terror for the people of those countries. But could there possibly be a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel?  To find out just what the current developments are in the region, we invited lecturer and journalist Sami Ramadani into the Sputnik studio to help unravel the knotted tangle of current…

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